Page 4 of The Fear
“She’s smokin’ hot, right? Where’s she been hiding?” He smirks, and I don’t know the kid well enough to know if it’s just him making an observation or if he is stupid enough to try and get a rise out of me because he thinks he’s on to something.
The look I give him is enough to tell him to stay the fuck away from her. “I hadn’t noticed,” I tell him, entering our staff room and dumping the paperwork I have just been handed from the administration staff on his desk as I continue through to my office at the back of the room. One of the perks of being the coach, I have my own space to disappear to. Actually, I’m finding there are a lot of perks already. Everyone in town already knows who I am, but that’s not surprising. I was a star quarterback in LA. I’m being offered free coffee from the local café, pastries from the bakery, and discounts on just about any other service this town offers. These people know they need me, and there is a small amount of satisfaction that gives me. The town that couldn't give a shit about me six years ago needs me now. I’ve come back to my hometown a local celebrity.
Miles plonks himself down at his own desk, and through the opening of my door I notice the wide-eyed look, like he doesn’t believe me that I hadn’t noticed how hot Cassandra is, but he’s smart enough to keep his mouth shut. “What now?” he asks me like he’s the one new to the school, not me. Some people were born to be leaders, not everyone can handle it. Miles is a follower, a people pleaser; he'll only ever be as good as the direction I give him.
“Go over the schedules. We have a staff meeting in 20 minutes, and then we can get the storeroom sorted for the students’ return tomorrow,” I tell him, picking up my now-cold coffee I grabbed up on the way in to school this morning and taking a sip.
I arrived back in town last week, moved in to one of the new properties on the high side of town with my closest friend, Kobe, and his two brothers. It’s a stark contrast to the rundown cottage I grew up in with my ma. I wasn't born into money like so many in this town, but I was never going to stay poor for long. I had something those privileged idiots didn't—determination. Kobe and his brothers are the same. We all lost our fathers at a young age, and it brought us together. Little boys with gaping holes in our hearts from a tragedy that rocked the entire town, leaving us with responsibilities we were too young to understand and reputations we would never live down.
Twenty minutes later we’re waiting in the conference room for Jerry Rodgers, our headmaster, to arrive and address the teaching staff, when Shortcake enters the conference room with Scarlet. I can tell she’s unsure, shy even, by the way she fiddles with her hands and looks to Scarlet for guidance. The overconfident sassy teen I knew is nowhere in sight, but I guess it is her first day at a new job. I’m sure the arrogance will be back in no time.
It was one of the things that attracted me to her so much. She might have been young, but she knew what she wanted out of life, and she wasn’t afraid to go out and get it. She had the same determination I had, but something must have gone wrong.
Scarlet takes a seat beside Miles with a friendly smile, and Cassandra sits next to her, straightening out her dress as she makes herself comfortable. She crosses one long toned leg over the other as she scans the room, looking anywhere but at me. I wonder if she realizes how obvious it is.
The guy next to me, Simon someone, keeps trying to start up a conversation. "It's just so exciting to have you as our coach. As I was saying to my wife just last night, I can't believe you would come and work at a high school when you could be making millions coaching a real team."
"Sometimes it's not about money," I tell him, hoping that will shut him up so I can eavesdrop on Cassandra’s conversation with Scarlet.
She points out other teachers to her, and they laugh about how many of her old teachers are still around. As Jerry enters the room, the teaching staff quietens and focuses their attention his way.
Cassie’s head drops and tilts to the side, like she can’t help but take a peek at me. Her eyes meet mine because I haven’t stopped watching her. That undeniable pull that was always between us is still here. I knew I was going to be seeing her today, but I hadn’t been prepared for how it would make me feel. I glare at her, making it obvious that I didn't appreciate her childish behavior this morning.
She rolls her eyes at me and looks away like the spoiled brat she is. Great, that’s what got me into so much trouble in the first place, giving into desires I shouldn’t have had because she sets something off in me. At the time, I thought I knew better, that if we fell for each other, her family would have to accept me. They couldn’t really keep us apart just because I wasn’t a rich kid like her. But I was wrong. I underestimated how powerful her father was and what he would do to take care of his little girl. To keep her away from the likes of me. I'm no better now.
I miss most of what is said by Jerry. All I can think is that she’s here and so am I. And I need to deal with this situation before it gets out of hand.
After Jerry says his bit, I meet some of the other teaching staff trying to avoid contact with Jerry, but I should have known it wouldn't be long before he made his way over to me.
He approaches me, placing a sweaty hand on my shoulder and making me cringe. Day one and already I have to deal with him. This part of the job might be harder than I thought it was going to be. "Come for dinner this week?" he asks way too enthusiastically.
"I'm still settling in from the move, maybe another time," I respond, smiling through clenched teeth. I already have to see this man five days a week; dinner with him is the last thing I want to do. I leave it at that, finding another fan to distract me.
After lunch, Miles and I drop into the gym to sort out our equipment for practice this afternoon. He has been running drills with the team for the last few weeks in preparation for when I arrived, but today, I get to watch the boys in action for the first time.
I hear the music before I see her dancing, but the chills I feel when I see her gliding across the gym take me right back to that night, watching her dance her audition piece in her ballet studio. She was so graceful, so beautiful, every move practiced with perfect precision. Her dress from this morning has been replaced with tights and a workout top that highlights her curves more than I needed to see. Her ass is perfection.
Scarlet watches her as well, and a massive smile crosses her face. She knows having her as an addition to our team means a chance for trophies this year. Dance competitions, cheer tournaments, whatever Cassandra can get the girls involved in, she has a competitive spirit and will want a chance at them all. And with Cassandra, they’ll probably win. It’s the reason she was hired. Just like me, she’s a part of Jerry's plan to be the best school in the state. The man is more competitive than even me.
Miles nudges me to get my attention, even though I’m already fixated more than I should be. “Holy shit, man, new chick can dance.” He’s practically drooling over her, and the look in his eyes makes my protective instincts want to kick in.Butshe’s not yours to protect, I tell myself, knowing I need to walk away.
“Hmm,” I mutter, turning away from the show she’s putting on, oblivious to her audience. I need to get away from her before I do something stupid to pull Miles into line. So I continue on to the supply room, in search of the footballs and any other equipment we can check off, ready for practice.
The song finishes, and the sound of voices chatting and someone wolf-whistling fills the gym. I realize Miles didn’t follow me in here, and it’s him talking with her. I stop what I’m doing so I can listen to their conversation.
He claps loudly. “You’re an amazing dancer. This school hasn’t seen the likes of your talent before,” he tells her, laying on the charm real thick, and my hackles rise. Him talking to her shouldn’t get me so wound up. She is just an ex from the past. No one to me anymore. At least that’s what I need to tell myself.
“Hey, what about me?” complains Scarlet with a good-natured laugh.
“You’re too kind,” comes Cassandra’s sweet voice, followed by a flirtatious giggle that used to be saved just for me. I know over the last few years she would have been dating other guys, a beauty like her would, and right now she might even have a boyfriend or significant other, but I don’t need to have it flaunted right under my nose. Not when I never really unpacked the feelings I once had for her. I just blacked them out so I could get on with my life. The part of my life she was in was done, and as much as it stung to know that, you can't go back, so I did the only thing I could and moved on. But just being back in this town is causing enough uncomfortable feelings to surface. I don’t need to deal with this shit as well.
“If you need anyone to show you around, I’d be happy to,” he offers her.
“That would be lovely,” she tells him, and I can just imagine she is touching his arm in that way she does that draws your attention to her. With a flutter of her long lashes that lures you into her mesmerizing green eyes. She has a way of making sure she’s noticed, that all eyes are on her, and she’s the most popular and loved person in the room. Miles doesn’t stand a chance with a girl like her. Just like I didn’t.
Better save him from himself now. Because I’m just that good of a guy. “Miles.” My voice booms through the gym, making it clear he should be in here with me.
“Better go help out.”