Page 49 of The Fear
She gives him an awkward half-smile. “Cassandra came home to talk to us about her new boyfriend,” my mother tells him. “That’s who was in the accident yesterday.”
He raises a brow. “You’re not dating Jett Rivera! What is it with you girls and MMA fighters?” He says it so dismissively, like my opinion in my own life doesn’t matter at all. And something snaps inside of me. I’m so sick of trying to impress my parents. I get nowhere anyway. This is my life, and from now on, I’m living it for myself.
“I’m not dating Jett. I’m seeing Brandon Lewis. And I need to get back to him now; he’s the one who was hurt yesterday.” I say the words just like ripping off a band-aid, fast and effective, but the sting that’s about to hit will hurt like a bitch.
He turns slowly, giving me his full attention, a monstrous look in his eyes. I have seen this look before, the night he sent Brandon away. It scared me then and it sure as shit still does. The rest of the room goes deadly silent. It feels like it’s just me and him. “You missed most of your sister’s wedding for Brandon Lewis?” he seethes.
“He could have died yesterday, Daddy,” I cry, emotions starting to get the better of me.
He shakes his head slowly from side to side. “You’re not seeing him. I knew you two working together was going to cause trouble for you again. He’s no good for you, Cassandra, and you know it. Look at everything you already lost because of him.”
My hands shake harder, vibrating through my whole body. I feel like I’m losing control over everything: my emotions, my body, my life. I want to tell him I know he was the one who sent Brandon away that first time and I lost just as much because of him, but something stops me. Maybe because it doesn’t matter anymore. Maybe because this is all getting out of control so fast that I’m scared of what I will say if I fight back. So instead, I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “Dad, I’m in charge of my own life now. I’m an adult, remember? I know what I need and what is right for me.” I get the words out smooth, clear, and precise. My eyes don’t leave his for a second.
His face reddens. “While you’re living under my roof, Cassandra Harper, you will respect my wishes. And that means not seeing that boy again.”
I match his intensity. He’s a passionate man, my dad, and he can get too worked up about things. But I’m his daughter, and I have every bit as much fire inside of me when it comes to getting what I want. And this time he’s not going to win. I've already wasted too much time because of him, lost too much. He will calm down in time. I hope. “That’s fair. And well within your rights as the homeowner here. I’m going to go stay with Brandon, help him recover.” My response is so certain and matter-of-fact, I almost surprise myself. “I don’t want to fight with you over this.” And while I’m ahead, I turn to walk away before I say something I regret.
“If you leave us for him, you’re not coming back when it falls apart like we all know it will,” he tells me, his tone deadly serious. His words cut me deeper than any knife ever could.
Leaving them for him? Why does it have to be one or the other?
“William, you can’t say that,” Mom tells him off, then runs after me, catching my arm. “Cassandra, we don’t like your choice, but this is your life, and you're right, you’re old enough to work this out for yourself. If you need us, we will always be here for you because we love you.” She's teary, and it stings to see her so upset and know I'm the cause.
But they are hurting me just as much. I glare back at my family in disbelief that it has really come to this. Yesterday, before Brandon's accident, I would have sided with them, gone along with what they wanted me to do. But today, after thinking I could have lost him forever, there's no way; I know I can’t live without him in my life. I tried that for them, I did for so long, but I know I can’t do it again. We’re soul mates, and I know we’re supposed to be together. “Thank you, Mom. I’m going to pack some of my things.”
“I’ll come and help,” offers Jasmine, who has been quiet since Dad walked in.
No one else says anything to stop me, so I make my way to my room. I empty my closet of as much as I can fit in the suitcase I have. Followed by toiletries, makeup, and anything else I could need. I don't know when I'll be back, so I shove things in until nothing else will fit. Jasmine sits on the end of my bed and watches me quietly.
“Are you going to be okay over there? Can you really trust the Riveras?”
“I don’t really know yet. But I trust Brandon, and he says they’re as close as brothers, so I have to, right?” I glance at her, needing her to tell me I have made the right choice.
She nods, but I can see in her eyes she’s not convinced. “Any sniff of trouble, you call me, okay? Axel will come and get you out of there. You just say the word.”
“Thanks, Sis, but I think it’s going to be fine. Good luck dealing with Mom and Dad while I’m gone.” I smile sympathetically. Leaving her here wasn’t my intention, and I hope she understands.
“I’m at Axel’s place most of the time anyway. It’s Mom I feel sorry for.”
And so do I. She might love my dad, they have been together for a long time, but hearing him talk to one of her children the way he did to me today must hurt. I only hope that in time he will come around and see how pigheaded he’s being about all of this. I know he is trying to protect me, but I’m not his to protect anymore.
WHEN I'M ABOUT SICK of waiting for them to get back, Jett walks in, dumping an overstuffed suitcase on the living room floor. “I think I broke her. Didn’t say a word on the car ride over. She's still in the Range Rover staring out the windshield now.” He goes to the fridge, pulling out a carton of milk and chugging it down.
“What happened?”
“Don’t know. I wasn’t invited into the house. But she was in there awhile, came out with this.” He points to the bag.
“Right.” I feel like a dick for thinking it, because I know her being here and so upset means it didn’t go well with her folks, but selfishly, I’m glad she’s come back and didn’t freak out and pick them over me.
He eyes me with concern. "You okay, man? You still look pretty sick."
"I'll be fine." I turn away from him. Yeah, my head still throbs like a bitch, but the concussion will pass and I will go back to normal. Right now, I'm more worried about her; she might not.
I find her in the garage, still in Jett's supped-up Range Rover. Her face is paler than usual, her eyes vacant. I open the door for her, undo her seat belt, and help her out, pulling her into my arms so I can comfort her. "Hey, baby." She snuggles into my chest, and I feel the sobs as she finally lets herself fall apart. I hold her as tightly as I can, kissing and stroking her hair. “Let it all out." I hold her for as long as she needs to. "It’s all going to be okay, Shortcake. You're here with me now, and I’m going to take care of you.”
“Okay,” she sniffles. “I don’t think you realize how much I needed you to tell me that.” I cup her face, pulling it to mine, and kiss her lips, now salty from her tears. “Sorry for breaking down again. I have cried more in the last couple of weeks than I have the whole time we were apart.”