Page 58 of The Fear
He takes hold of my chin. "Don't you worry, Shortcake, you'll get your fun tonight." He kisses me, leaving me tingling all over with the promise of what's to come. The security guard on the door gives him a nod and opens the door for us to go through.
It's weird, I didn't have to show ID. Once we’re inside walking down a long dark corridor, I realize that was the back entrance. "You have a special entry?"
"Kobe owns this club now, so yeah."
I give him a look, not understanding.
"The Riveras took over all of his businesses when Ace died."
"What about his sister? Piper, Axel’s ex?"
"All I know is it was all left to the club, and the Riveras took over, so they own this, as well as about half of Palm Springs."
"Along with Axel who owns the rest?" I ask to confirm what I already know. He's in a good mood tonight, and I’m hoping that means I can squeeze a little more info out of him than normal.
“That’s right and why this meeting is so important. Are you going to be okay with your sister?”
I look around Queen of hearts, kind of in awe. Ace may have been one sick son of a bitch, but this club is epic—lush and sexy with all the red, he totally went wild with the Queen-of-Hearts theme. "Yeah, I'm sure I can find something here to do with her."
His hand comes to my arm, and he stops me from walking any farther, his expression turning serious. "Just get a drink and go dance. I won't be long," he warns. "We will be just upstairs."
"Okay." I shrug out of his hold on me, then smile, having spotted my sister. I run toward her, so excited to see someone familiar. I feel like all I have done lately is work and teach dance lessons at the dance school or be at home with the guys, no girl time like I'm used to. "Jassie," I squeal, wrapping my arms around her. She gives me a squeeze, being mindful of the white angel wings on my back.
"You look like Juliet from Romeo and Juliet." She beams.
"You don't look like my sister." I smirk. "How does the good sister come to a Halloween party as a sexy devil? Axel is really changing you."
She laughs and blushes, knowing twelve months ago she would not have been caught dead outside the house looking like such a vixen. I glance at Axel; he has ditched the whole dress-up-for-Halloween idea and sports his usual charcoal suit. Sometimes I think he is too stiff for my fun-loving sister, but she seems happy, so I guess that's all that matters.
I feel a hand on my ass, and Brandon leans in to my ear, having caught up to me. "Behave, Cassie, I'll be back soon." His deep voice hums in my ear, and something about it sends a tingle straight through me.
"Emhm, I will."
"Axel," he says in greeting, his tone all business.
"Brandon." He nods. "Where are the Riveras?"
Brandon tilts his head to the mezzanine where I can clearly make out the brothers. "I'll take you up there." Axel kisses Jasmine possessively, and Brandon throws me one more look, telling me to be good. I smile back flirtatiously. I feel like letting loose and having a bit of fun tonight.
We watch as they make their way past the guards standing at the bottom of the stairs and up to the mezzanine. Then I take Jasmine’s hand. "Come on, let’s go have some fun." We stand at the bar waiting to be served when two cocktail glasses of something pink are handed to us by the bartender. "We didn't order," I say, confused.
He looks upstairs. "Mr. Lewis ordered for you." Of course he did. Couldn't leave me to make my own decisions about what I might like to drink.
"Nice." Jasmine smiles, taking her drink and having a sip. "Yum, try it, Cass, it's really nice."
I take a sip as I walk to the plush-looking barstools by the bar, needing to sit for a bit and take it all in. It was actually a good choice, whatever this cocktail is. Jasmine leans up against the soft fabric carefully. Her dress is very short, and I would say she’s scared to reveal too much if she gets comfy. That's why I decided to go for my white tailored slacks with a cute sparkly top.
"Wow, can you believe this place?" I say. The massive bar is lit up in the center of the room, with velvety burgundy seating running along the far wall. There’s a dance floor surrounded by three sides of stage with girls dancing and having fun. The vibe is sexy and playful with so many people dressed in costume for the night.
"It's pretty much the same as After Dark, so yeah, I guess." She shrugs, so unaffected by it all.
But I'm not. This is the first time I have been in a club like this and to me it's exciting. I want to know everything that goes on within these walls, and I want to be a part of it.
"When are you going to come home, Sis? Mom really misses you."
I look at her, not sure how much to say. "I'm not, Jas. I miss her too, but it's time I figured out my life."
"So, you're just going straight from living with your parents to having some guy control your life?" she says kind of harshly. But I don't take offence because she’s right. It's something I have been thinking about a lot.