Page 17 of The Reunion
"Heath is only here for a week because he lives in LA, that's where he is the frontman for the 4 Smoking Coyotes."
Ruby's eyes light up. "He's famous?"
"Yes, but he is a normal person. I don't want you feeling intimidated or anything, Connor. He's dying to get to know you and was so excited to hear you're his son, but if at any point this is all too much for you, I want you to tell me. I know it's going to be an adjustment."
"Just wait till Stacy hears about this! I'm going to be the most popular girl in my class." Ruby beams.
"No,” I snap, probably too quickly. “This is family stuff, and it stays just between us for now." I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. I don't know why I'm bothering to try and stop her; Ruby's seven and can't keep a secret if her life depended on it. My secret’s out, and I'm sure by this time tomorrow half the town will know about it. And I'm just going to have to be a big girl and deal with the consequences of my own actions. Because this isn't about me.
"Areyousureyou'reokay?" I run a hand through Connor's long hair, roughly combing it to the side the way he likes.
He pushes me away. "Mom, I'm fine, stop fussing," he whines.
"You can fuss over me," Ruby tells me with a cheeky smile. "I want my hair in a high ponytail with this sparkly bow. This one matches my shoes." She holds out her foot, decked out in pale pink sparkly high-top Converse.
"It sure does." I smile at her in the bathroom mirror, wishing I could be more like my kids at a time like this. At least on the outside Connor is calm and unfazed, but I'm sure inside he is churning. Meeting your biological father for the first time is scary shit for a nine-year-old, then add on the fact he’s a rock star. Ruby is my little sassy queen and has taken over making tonight all about her, which Connor probably prefers anyway. Her excitement to meet Heath the celebrity is all too much. I pull her long blonde curls up on top of her head just the way she likes and tie a hair elastic around. Then slip the bow through the front. "There you go, baby, you look perfect."
"I do, don't I." She adjusts her pale pink glasses as she checks herself out in the mirror. Pleased with what she sees, she runs off, leaving me to stare at my own reflection.
I fix my hair, straightening my sleek bob so it sits just longer in the front than the back. My make-up is natural but applied to perfection. I add a touch of nude lipstick and a spritz of my Chanel perfume. Then I walk out of the bathroom, hoping to God I can find some sort of inner strength to help me get through tonight.
Since I saw Heath on Sunday afternoon, I have been on edge and unable to focus on anything. I just need this first meeting to go well so I can function like a normal human being again. If not, I think my assistant Summer might kill me before the week is out. With the deadline we have looming on Friday for my winter collection, I would normally be wrapped up in my work, fussing over every last detail until it's all perfect, but I can’t. I've just been staring at blank pages, hoping something magically appears on them. She has been amazingly understanding, but I know she has been picking up the slack. She deserves a raise for having to put up with me and my drama-filled life. And maybe even a promotion. She is so much more than just my assistant now. She's helping me with designs, sourcing fabric, and pretty much the coordination of my entire business.
The doorbell chimes, and I hear Ruby call out, "I'll get it," as she makes a run for the door so no one else can get there before her.
I have the sudden urge to puke as I make a run for the door myself. This is all too much. It was one thing when I was trying to protect myself from getting hurt, but this isn't about me. It's so much for poor Connor to navigate, and Ruby, how will she feel? But I don't have time to think anymore because she opens the door and there in the space is Heath. His kind eyes meet mine, and he offers me a smile, telling me this is all going to be fine. He has a bottle of wine and what looks like a comic book and some butterfly Barbie doll.
"You must be Ruby." He smiles down to her, offering his hand for her to shake.
She gladly takes it. "You know who I am?" she asks, excited.
"Your mom has told me all about you. You’re Connor’s little sister and you love dancing, your favorite color is purple, and your favorite animal is a butterfly. I got this for you." He hands her the doll, and she squeals, clutching it like it's already her most prized possession.
"Butterflies aren't animals, they’re insects," Connor corrects him, standing back behind me, assessing Heath with a curious gaze.
"You're right, they are. You must be Connor." He holds out his hand. Connor looks him over again then reaches out his hand, letting Heath shake it. Heath hands him the book he is holding, and a small smile crosses Connor’s face.
"Thank you," he says, gripping the comic like it’s a precious jewel.
Connor drops his head now that the attention is on him. Unlike Ruby who loves all eyes on her, he would prefer not to be noticed. He's not going to make this easy for Heath. Not because he's the kind of kid that likes to be difficult but because he doesn't like change; it's hard for him to process. And this is one huge change to the little routine we’ve got going on. After his father left, he really struggled to cope, and he has had years of therapy to get him to a point where we know how to deal with his feelings and social anxiety, but this is new.
Heath looks at me, and I can see it, he's just as nervous as I am. This is unknown territory for all of us. And as the adults, we’re supposed to be the ones who know how to deal with it all. But I don't. So, I plaster on my best smile and pretend like I do.
"Why don't you let Heath come in the house, Ruby?"
She makes a show of standing out of his way then closing the door for him after he has entered the room. "We’ve never had a rock star in our house before. Some people say my mom is a little bit famous because of her fashion design, but it's not the same as an actual famous person." And just like that I'm cut back down to earth by my seven-year-old.
"I'm just a regular guy, Ruby," Heath tells her, just like I did last night, but that went straight over her head. She was up half the night, not able to fall asleep with all the questions she had about him.
"Would you like something to drink? A beer maybe?" I offer, not really knowing what else to do or say right now.
"That would be great, thanks." He smiles.
Ruby takes his hand. "I'll show you to the kitchen," she tells him, dragging him along with her. Lucky someone is happy to take charge here.