Page 21 of The Reunion
By the way she looks at me, I can see how nervous that idea makes her.
"Would you be okay with that?"
"He would love to go to a game. His Uncle Brad, Andy's husband, coaches the LA Wolves. If you want tickets to one of their games, I can sort it out," she says reluctantly. I know she’s putting aside her protective-mama instincts to give us a chance, but it must be hard for her.
"That might be a nice idea. I'll talk to my manager and see what lines up with my schedule. But I want to be a big part of his life, Millie," I tell her, so she knows how important this is to me. Now that I know he exists, I'm going to be here for all the big things and the small.
I notice she has bubbles on her nose from the dish suds, and I can't help the smile that breaks out on my face at how adorable she looks.
"What?" she asks.
I brush them off her nose and show her, and she laughs, her eyes locking with mine. I take her hand in mine and lace our fingers together. It feels natural to be so close to her like this.
"How on earth are we going to navigate this together, Heath?" she asks, her voice almost breathless. And I don't know if she is talking about the co-parenting or the chemistry swirling between us. Because I know how I want to handle this, just like we did the first night, on repeat for the rest of our lives.
I have to wonder if her heart is going nuts in her chest just like mine is. Right now, I want her more than I would like to admit. "What was it you said to me earlier, something about taking everything one day at a time?"
"Yes," she whispers, her eyes filled with such affection for me, and I know she feels this too.
Part of me wants to pull her toward me, shove her against the counter so I can devour her mouth with mine. She would taste of cherry lip gloss like she always used to. But I couldn't stop at just a kiss. When it comes to Amelia Harper, I have always wanted more than I should. And the kids are here, so for now, I need to keep my raging desire for her under control. "Then that's what we do."
We hear the kids fighting as they come back down the hall toward us, and we move away from each other.
"Heath, I think you should come back on Friday,” Ruby calls as she walks back into the kitchen like the whirlwind she is. “And we can all stay up and watch a movie because there won't be any school the next day."
Amelia scoops her up, hugging her. "Heath is really busy, Ruby, he probably doesn't have time."
I feel the ping of guilt as she says it. I know my life is crazy busy and finding time to spend with these guys is going to be a challenge, but this week I'm around, and I need to make the most of it. "Of course I do. What movies do you have?" I smile at the two of them.
"Umm, well, we have everything, really. Do you like Disney princesses?" Ruby beams, waiting to hear my response.
"We're not watching a princess movie, Ruby," complains Connor, joining us in the kitchen, all ready for bed in his Star Wars pajamas. "Mom, tell her."
"How about I think it over and come up with something everyone will like." Amelia tries to be diplomatic to keep them both happy. Somehow, I feel like that would be most of her life, having two children who are so different. They would always be disagreeing about something. I hope I can work out how to be just as patient and tactful as she is. Because tonight was just a taste of her life, and I already know I want in. I want to be here for it all. I just have to work out how to make that happen.
I'vejustdroppedConnoroff at soccer practice and am making my way back to the parking lot and past the stands when I hear my name being called.
"Millie." I know who it is. Heath’s deep voice goes right through me in the best way, putting my body on high alert immediately.
I spin around to see him and a pretty young girl with long dark hair sitting on the bench seats. With my hand in my jacket pockets, I walk over to them. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I smile, so happy to see him again.
"You mentioned Connor had practice today, and I wanted to check it out." He smirks, his eyes roaming over me like he is trying to piece together my outfit. I was running late from work this afternoon and didn't have a chance to get home before Connor had to be at the field. He hates being late, so instead of being able to change into something more casual for the afternoon activity routine, I have on heels, tailored pants, a silk blouse, and a zip-up sports jacket I found in the back of the car when I realized how cold it was this afternoon.
I glance at his friend then back to him. "Yeah, he'll be here till five. I'm sure he’ll be stoked you came to watch him."
"Hope so. Do you remember my little sister Izzie?" He introduces me to the girl at his side, and it makes more sense.
"Oh yeah, you're not the cute little thing with pigtails I remember, though." I laugh.
"I bet." She smiles, trying to be friendly. This must be weird for her as well.
I check my watch, knowing I'm running out of time to grab Ruby. "Sorry, I can’t stop and chat. I need to get Ruby from dance class," I tell them, really wishing I could stay. I have been thinking about last night all day. It was so good to have him in my space with my kids. Everything about it just felt right.
“Of course. Did you want me to bring Connor home? Save you the drive around? I’m happy to help.”