Page 25 of The Reunion
"I need a second to catch up with you," I mutter, trying not to show just how much he affects me.
"Okay, I understand. But I'll see you tonight?" he asks, hopeful.
“I’ll see you tonight," I whisper as I turn away from him before I really break down and start crying ugly tears. I should be running to him, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him with all the pent-up desire I have for him. But instead, I walk away, my hands trembling.
He just offered me exactly what I have been fantasizing about. Something real with an amazing man. My man, the one I fell for so long ago. And it sounds heavenly, but he doesn't know what he's saying. He has spent one dinner with my kids and watched some sports, he doesn't really know the reality of being a parent or a partner to someone who is. He lives on the road most of the year doing God only knows what, with who. I would spend the entire time he was away freaking out that he was cheating on me with some gorgeous young thing. And it would be broadcast all over the world when it happened. I couldn't live like that. Yes, the fantasy is so tempting, but the reality would surely destroy me. I already know it. I'm sure walking away now will save myself later. It’s the right thing to do. Isn't it?
IknockatAmelia'sdoor and wait. I'm more anxious than I was the first time I came here, after she turned me down at lunch today. But tonight, I'm not leaving until she hears me out properly. I know she thinks she knows what's best, but she doesn't. She's just trying to stop herself from getting hurt again. I'm not the man who will damage her in any way, she should know that. She means too much to me.
The cute little rascal Ruby opens the door with a mischievous smile and her mother close behind her, just like the other night when I was here for dinner.
"We picked a movie," she singsongs. "You're really going to like it." She looks happy with herself and so keen to please me. I wish her mother was as eager. She just looks worried.
"I'm sure I will." I smile down to her, and she takes my hand, directing me past her mother and toward the living room. Ruby's so much like Millie at the same age, full of sass and so much confidence. She always knew what she wanted and strived to get it. It's why I'm not surprised she's running such a successful fashion empire now. "Hi," I say as I'm dragged past her. She gives me a little look of uncertainty. And it worries me that our conversation this afternoon has scared her so much, when I was just trying to be honest and lay my cards on the table, so she knows where I stand. I was trying to stop her agonizing and show her she's not alone anymore, not make it worse.
"I'll just go get the popcorn," she stutters out, like she's nervous to be in my presence. And we’re back to the first night I saw her again. I thought after the past week we would be just like old friends, but she's a scared little mouse again. I can't say I'm not used to this type of behavior around me. Lots of women lose their words or fumble around like fools, but not my Millie. What the hell is going on with her?
"Connor, Heath's here," she calls down the hallway on her way to the kitchen.
I take a seat on the brown leather couch, the same one where I played video games with Connor the other night. Ruby pulls up a soft plush-looking pale pink bean bag chair, stopping just before my feet, and she plonks herself down. At least one member of this family is happy to have me here tonight.
The room has a homely feel, with family pictures of the three of them, as well as photos of Amelia's sisters and parents. She was always so close with her family. As a kid I was a little envious. I would have loved to have siblings around the same age as me. My little sister wasn't born until I was eleven, so we never shared that closeness Millie had with her sisters.
"What's your brother doing?" I ask Ruby, curious to know since he still hasn't joined us in getting ready for the movie.
"In his room with a new comic. So boring." She rolls her eyes. "If you weren't here tonight, he would probably stay in there all night. But Mom said he has to watch the movie with us because you're his dad and he should make an effort to get to know you."
Geez, that's brutally honest. I guess kids are, especially Amelia's kids. "Did she?"
"Yes." She nods. "You don't have to worry, he likes you already. I know he does because after you left the other night, he kept talking about how awesome you are, and he doesn't really like that many people. Or talking that much, except if he likes something. So you are probably at the top of his list now. He really likes lists. He was right, I have decided you're awesome as well. And not just because you're famous. I just like the look of you." She grins, and I’m not quite sure what to say back to that. “I like you so much I didn’t even tell Stacy about you. Mom told me not to, but I wanted to because she always has the best stories to tell all our friends, but I think it's better to have the secret. Don't you?"
I run my hand over my stubble, not sure how I'm supposed to answer that one.
Amelia walks past us. "Ruby, why don't you help get some drinks for everyone," Amelia suggests as she places a large bowl of popcorn down on the coffee table. I wonder how much she just overheard of that interesting little conversation. Somehow, I feel like Ruby might be my key to learning what is really going on in this family, when the other two are so closed off. She just says it how it is.
Ruby looks at me. "What would you like to drink, Heath?"
"I might have a beer if you have one," I say, looking toward Amelia. "I can help with drinks if you need a hand," I offer, feeling useless just sitting here while she fusses over everyone.
"Thanks, can you grab me a beer as well? I'll go and get Connor," she huffs out, frustration in her tone.
"Okay, Ruby, you're in charge of drinks for you and your brother, and I'll get the adult ones," I tell her as she excitedly runs from the room. I hadn't expected her to like me so much or for me to be how happy I am that she does. This must be just as odd for her as it is for the rest of us, and I want to make sure she doesn't feel left out.
We gather the drinks, Ruby singing some song about corn she tells me she heard on YouTube today. It's catchy, the kind of song that's going to annoy me tonight when I'm lying awake. She gathers drinks for her and Connor, and I go to the fridge, taking the two beers. For a single mom with no time, Amelia's fridge is organized to perfection, just like the rest of the kitchen.
Back in the living room, Connor is on the single armchair with a comic book still in his hands. "Hi, bud. Who've you got there?" I ask, looking over his shoulder and passing Amelia her bottle. She's sitting on the other side of the couch with a blanket over her lap. She's more casual tonight, her hair in a ponytail and her face free of makeup. She's even more beautiful than she was all done up today. I didn't think that could be possible, but it is. She's also very quiet and that part I don't like so much.
"Aquaman," he says, little interest in his tone, like I'm disturbing him from his reading.
"Nice," I agree, not wanting to push him when he's clearly not in the mood for chitchat. I sit next to Amelia. And Ruby plops down at my feet again, staying as close as she can.
"He's not my favorite superhero, but I like him because he's different from the rest," Connor says with a quick glance toward me, then his focus is back on the comic.
"Who's your favorite?" I ask, needing any scrap of information this kid is willing to give me if I'm going to get to know him and have any hope of a relationship with him.
"Spiderman, of course, then Wolverine, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Hulk, Batman, Superman, Deadpool, and Thor." He lists them off on his fingers. This must be what Ruby was talking about, his love of listing things.