Page 27 of The Reunion
IfellasleepwithHeath’s protective arms wrapped around me about twenty minutes into the second movie and woke up back in my own bed. When I checked the time, it was 2am. I hadn't even had that much to drink, just a couple of beers. I was just so emotionally exhausted from everything that is going on that, as soon as his arms were wrapped around me, I crashed out. Heath must have put me to bed and taken himself home.
He's going back to LA today, and I'm disappointed with myself. I was too tired to say goodbye to him properly. After that kiss, we just held each other and snuggled up like we were teenagers again, enjoying the closeness that only years of knowing every last thing about someone brings. There was nothing more to say. I know what he wants, and I would like it too, but I just don't see how that's possible.
I let my eyes close again, reliving that kiss. It was perfection. Like something out of a movie, with sparks flying and all. I'm relieved the kids let me sleep in a little this morning. Normally Ruby would be in at the crack of dawn, full of energy and ready for the day ahead. But this week has really taken it out of me. I'm emotionally drained, and my body is aching like I’ve run a marathon. But a massive design deadline on top of all this stuff with Heath and the running around with the kids has me beat.
With my eyes closed, all I can see is him. It felt so nice to be in his arms again last night, to have him here with us. Like he’s a part of our family already. And he is. Ruby is smitten with him, and she’s not the only one. If the kids weren’t home, I don’t think I would have been able to stop from asking him to stay with me. Luckily for us all they were, I guess. Avoids any awkwardness this morning when he had to leave again. I don't know what is ahead for us now that he's gone back, but I guess we take it week by week, see where our schedules line up.
The smell of bacon and eggs cooking reaches my nose, and my tummy rumbles, reminding me I'm hungry. Followed shortly by panic. I jump out of bed in a rush and throw on my robe. Shit, Ruby must be cooking breakfast again. The last time she attempted to make me and Connor a surprise hot breakfast by herself she nearly burned the house down in the process. I throw open my door and rush down the hall and straight into the kitchen. “Ruby, you know the rules. No cooking…” I call frantically but stop suddenly when I see him. Heath, in my frilly gingham apron, with Ruby standing on a stool next to him stirring eggs at the stovetop.
She turns to look at me. “Morning, sleepyhead,” she says like I would normally say to her.
My erratic heart starts settling, now that I know the house isn't about to burn down. It's an adorable sight to wake up to. But what is he doing here? I run my fingers through my hair, trying to straighten out the bird’s nest from one of the deepest sleeps I have had in so long. I know he has seen me a crying mess on more than one occasion this week, but I still have some self-preservation. If I'd known he was still in my house I would have at least fixed my face and done my hair to be ready for the day. Bit late for that now, though.
"Hope you don't mind, Ruby wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed." He smiles sheepishly, somehow looking even better with his just-slept-in hair and yesterday’s clothes. Life would be so easy as a man. But I'm not complaining, it's such a good view to wake up to.
I smile at the two of them and how adorable they are together. "I don't mind, it smells delicious," I say, tickling her belly and placing a kiss on the top of her head. "I'm glad you asked for help this time." She turns around, cuddling into me. “Why don’t you go and get dressed and I’ll finish off making breakfast.” I help her off the stool, and she dances down the hall toward her room, pleased with herself.
"So, you stayed last night?" I ask Heath, a little confused as to why he is in my kitchen making me breakfast.
The toaster pops, and he places the slices onto the plates he has lined up on the counter in front of him. He knows his way around the kitchen, and there is something so sexy about that. Maybe it's because Declan thought it was the woman's place, so he never cooked anything. "I crashed on the couch, hope you don't mind," he says sheepishly.
"Not at all. I was just surprised to see you this morning."
"It was late when the movie finished, and I'd had a few beers, so it probably wasn't safe to drive home." He shrugs like it wasn't a big deal.
I nod, agreeing with him, but knowing he could have found another way home if he wanted to.
He looks at me, a little smirk playing on his lips. "And the truth is I wanted to see you all again this morning before I have to go back to LA."
"All of us?" I ask, a brow raised, for some reason needing the validation he wasn’t just here to see the kids.
“Yes, all of you. I know this is still a bit strange at the moment, but the thought of leaving you all and going back to my old life just doesn't feel right anymore. I've already missed so much of his life, Amelia. I don't want to miss out on anything else."
My heart breaks for him, and I wish for the billionth time things were different and we’d worked out back then that Connor was his. He should have been here for it all. His first steps, first words, first day of kindergarten. He can't get that time back. "Maybe we could come and visit you in LA?" I offer, knowing it's too late to make up for what happened in the past, but we can change the future. And I want Heath in Connor’s life as much as he’s comfortable with.
His face lights up, and I know I said the right thing. "Yes, you should, the kids would love my place. I have an awesome pool and games room, and I can show Connor my guitar collection."
"Okay, well, call me this week and I can work out how to make it happen. Might want to run it past that manager of yours, though." I raise a brow, already hating that she runs his life.
"I don't have to run everything past her. You guys are family; you can come and stay whenever you want," he says, knowing my tone was more irritated than kind.
"Just as long as the test checks out," I push, our conversation from lunch yesterday playing back through my head. I'm still annoyed she has been at him about getting a paternity test. This really is none of her business.
"You know I don't want a test."
"But she does. When is this interview thing going to be as well, where you tell the press about Connor? You'll warn me before it comes out, right, so I can prepare him? And there won't be mention of his full name; I don't want people turning up here bothering him."
I can feel myself getting worked up about it all over again. But he reaches out for me, stroking my arm in a comforting way, trying to calm me down. He still knows me so well even now. "I already told you yesterday, I will protect him. I will let you know as soon as I know anything about it all if that makes you feel better."
"Yes, it would."
He pulls me into him for a hug, dropping his lips to my forehead, kissing me. "You just want me calling and checking up on you because you’ve gotten used to having me around this week and you're going to miss me." I can feel the cheeky smile now playing on his lips.
"Not as much as you're going to miss me,” I tell him, hoping it’s true. He has only been back in my life for a week but already I can’t imagine life without him in it, and I don't want to. It's shitty the way things worked out, but maybe this is how it had to work for us, so he could have had his career, and now is our time to reconnect and make a go of something real. I think this is what we both need. At least I hope to God it is. I can't fail at it again.