Page 41 of The Reunion
"I can tell, you look different, like you’re glowing. Just like the girl I once knew."
"That's just from all the orgasms you’re giving me." I laugh. "You make me feel young again."
"Probably." He smirks cheekily. "But I think maybe this was the break away from it all you needed. This gives you time to think and reignite that passion inside of you, the one that helps you be creative. I get the same way when everything in life starts to feel like a chore. I can't be creative. I stop writing songs or even being able to perform well."
"Is that you at the moment?" I ask, wanting to know what's really going on with him. Every time he talks about the band, he seems unenthusiastic, like it's a burden on his life, and I don’t get it.
“Yeah, I guess it is. I think mine is more than just burnout this time. I think I might be done. The last session we had at the recording studio was a nightmare. The guys were pissed because it took me so long to get my shit together. It was actually Dev's idea for me to crash your work trip. He could see I just wanted to be with you."
"It's cute he cares about you so much." Sadness fills me for him. "But you love creating music and performing."
"Yeah, I used to. But it's not even about any of that anymore." He says it with so much bitterness that I actually believe him, maybe he is done with it all. "The article came out today. I read it on the plane," he mutters, and I don't like the look he gives me when he says it.
With all the stuff I had going on today, the article slipped my mind. "Oh yeah, was it okay?" I take a large sip of my wine, feeling like I might need it.
"For the most part. She told our story just as she said she would, but she also added the part about expecting a new album later this year." He looks disappointed, like he expected better but she let him down.
"You told her not to," I say, angry for him.
"Yeah, and it wasn't in the proof for me either, but it was there in black and white for all to read. Very sneaky. They do what they want, Millie. She also did a bit of a profile on you, but I'd say it's going to work in your favor. It was mostly about Artemis and how you have grown your business from nothing. You come off looking professional and inspirational, just like you are."
"Thank you." I smile; he's so full of compliments for me today. It's a very nice change from my marriage. "I'd like to see it later if you have it. I'm sorry, Heath. I don't know what to tell you. I can only imagine how hard it must be. Maybe you need a break." I agree with what he said earlier. I just want him to be happy, and if music doesn't ignite his fire anymore, maybe he should step away.
"That's why I'm here with you." His smile returns, and I get the feeling that I came back into his life at the perfect time. I know he did for me. Someone was watching over us and made this happen, they must have, it's all too perfect.
"And I'm very grateful you are, but I mean a proper one, some real time to yourself to work out what you want from your life. If you ever want to get out of the city for a bit, you are always welcome to come and stay with us. The kids would love it." And so would I. The more time I spend with him, the more I want to. It's addictive.
"I might take you up on that offer. Anyway, enough about my problems. I feel like I'm putting a damper on the night. Tell me about the interview today. Did you get the job?"
I can't help the smile that crosses my face. "It wasn't even an interview. He told me he loves my work and wants to collaborate. He gave me a design to work on for some actress, and I have a lunch meeting with him again tomorrow to discuss the rest of the details. But I'm so excited."
Our meals arrive, and my stomach celebrates at the smell alone. "Merci," I tell the waitress, and Heath offers a smile.
“I can’t wait to get this in my mouth. I'm so hungry. I skipped lunch to get my design done for tomorrow." I dig into my food, and oh my God, it tastes as good as it smells. I glance back at him.
Heath hasn't started his yet, he's still watching me. "Will you have to come to Paris a lot?" he asks, and I can't help but notice the trepidation in his voice.
"No, Julian said we can collaborate over Skype or emails. I should be able to do most of it from home. Probably just come back for a quick trip before the fashion show."
"Okay," he agrees, like he can probably live with that, even though I can tell he's not all that happy about it. He picks up his knife and fork.
"Are you worried you'll miss me? If I have to travel, you can always come with me again. Paris can be our escape from reality. Our chance to be young again."
"You're not just a pretty face, are you, Ms. Harper. That might be the best idea I have heard all day. I love spending time with the kids, but it's nice to have you to myself as well."
"That's what we’ll do then. Next time I need to come back here, you’re chaperoning me." I didn't know it could be so good, having his attention on me and knowing how obsessed he is. I get what Andy was talking about. I have nothing to worry about. I know I can trust him with everything I have because I'm all he sees.
Afterdinner,wetooka walk hand in hand around the esplanade overlooking the Trocadero gardens and fountains. It's all lit up and glowing in a golden color. The twinkling lights reflect in Amelia's eyes. "How pretty is this?" She smiles.
"Very. This can be our new place," I tell her.
She looks confused, and I can't believe she's forgotten. "What do you mean?"
"Remember in high school when things got tough or one of us had a bad day, we would meet at the art gallery."
"Oh my God, I had totally forgotten about that. We would stay there until we felt better, just walking around talking. I haven't been there in years."