Page 66 of The Reunion
He nods like that is a good idea, and I can't keep hold my tongue any longer. "You told Julian about me?" I ask him, needing to know what exactly that means. It's so strange to me that he even knows their family, and what Julian said about him having so much influence, I just don't get it. It's been playing over in my head, and I keep thinking I must have misheard him.
"Yes, I knew you two would work together well. His father’s company is one of the largest in Paris, and he holds a lot of influence in your beloved fashion world. I was right, wasn't I?" He raises a brow, like he is watching my reaction with a keen eye. My liking Julian seems very important to him.
I squint at him, trying to read what's going through his mind, but my father has never been easy to read. He holds his cards close to his chest and only shows people what he wants them to see; even us girls, who I know he adores, he is guarded with. I always thought that was just how men were, since Declan was the same, but Heath’s not. He wears his heart on his sleeve and tells me exactly what he's thinking. It's refreshing and maybe why I'm so taken with him. It's what I need, total transparency.
"Was there more to it than that?" I ask, knowing there was. My gut tells me he had an ulterior motive here, I just can't quite work out what it would be other than him trying to help my career.
He gets up, walking over to the mini bar he has set up, and pours himself a scotch, swirling the liquid as he takes a seat again, his gazed fixed on me. "He is a good match for you, Amelia," he tells me, plain as day. Like it's a fact and I should go along with it if I know what's good for me.
The directness of his tone irritates me. "So you were trying to set me up with him?"
"I just want you to be happy. Julian is very wealthy, he could take good care of you and the kids. You wouldn't have to work so hard. You would have a better life, more time with Ruby and Connor, more time to take care of yourself."
What is this, the 1950s? Now I know how Cassandra felt this past year with all the shit she and Brandon had to deal with. But I don't get it, Dad hasn't ever really been like this with me before. I try to think back to when everything started with Declan. From what I can remember, Dad was very encouraging of our relationship, even pushy about it once we found out I was pregnant. We were married quickly. Both families were on board and overjoyed about the situation. But that in itself makes my tummy churn in a way I don't like. Now that I think about it, why would they have been so happy for us? We were still so young.
"What about Heath, Connor's dad?" I push, wanting to know exactly his thoughts. He knows we have been seeing each other since the reunion. I wasn't keeping it from my parents, and until now, they have seemed happy for me. Now that I think back, though, my dad was the one person who didn't seem shocked when I told them about Connor not being Declan's. He just gave a nod of acknowledgment and disappeared into his office. At the time I didn't think anything of it, but he should have been noticeably upset like the rest of us. Shouldn't he?
He runs his hand over his stubbly jaw like he’s thinking, maybe trying to find the right words to respond to my question. "I know you and Heath have been friends for a long time, Amelia, but he's fickle. He thinks he wants to be a family man, but he doesn't know what he wants. He's used to a life on the road. He might be happy for a while, but it won't last. He will soon become bored, and where will that leave you? Alone again. Or worse, what if something happens to you because he can't keep you safe. Julian is a better option."
Keep me safe? Why would he even need to? Maybe Dad is still upset about the stalker stuff, but Heath said he has it all worked out, so there isn't any reason to worry.
Dad slides a piece of paper over his desk, and I pick it up, glancing over it. Realizing it's a contract of sorts, I skim the text and see both my name and Julian's.
"What is this?" I stutter out in shock at what I'm seeing.
"A marriage contract," he says like it's obvious, his face unreadable, unemotional, and I realize there really is something going on here. A chill comes over me, leaving a sickening sinking feeling behind.
I glare at him like he might have just lost his mind if he thinks I will be persuaded into an arranged marriage. As I do, images flash through my head, like watching one of those old slide shows, moments in time: Heath leaving when he got signed, me hooking up with Declan then thinking it was him who got me pregnant, us marrying immediately, his disappearance when he admitted he cheated on me. It's like this contract was the last piece of the puzzle, and now that I have it, my life makes total sense. And not in a good way.
I glance back at the typed-out piece of paper, trying to make out the words, but my eyes are glassy and my brain is foggy with confusion. Have I ever had any control over my life at all or has my father been orchestrating it all, just like he did with Cassandra, and I was just too stupid to see the truth right in front of my face? Did he do the same with Jasmine and Andy?
"After spending some time with you these last few weeks, Julian has taken a liking to you and decided he wants you as his wife. This is a great honor, Amelia, he has been one of France’s most eligible bachelors for many years," he says like he is trying to sell me on the idea. Like I'm a lucky girl because I have been chosen.
"What?" I stutter out, still trying to wrap my head around it all. I feel like I need a piece of paper to write it all down so I can crack the code to my life. But even then, unless I could get into my father's head, I don't think I would ever really know all the truths.
"He could give you and the children everything you need, and I agree with him. I think you should give this some thought. It's a good offer for someone your age who already has children; not many men will take that on."
I shake my head in total disbelief. "Have you lost your mind?” I blurt out, forgetting who I'm talking to. But what the fuck is going on here? I toss the paper back at him. "No way in hell would I ever marry some man just because he has decided I should. You should know me better than that."
"Amelia, be reasonable. I have always been able to rely on you to do the right thing. Even if it's not what you wanted, you knew in your heart what would be best."
What is he talking about? Declan, the teenage pregnancy? "I don't need a man to take care of me. If you haven't noticed, I have been doing a mighty fine job of it on my own for the last few years, along with running a business. If I ever marry again, it will be for love, not because my father suggests it's a good idea." I push my chair back, having heard about enough of this shit.
My hands tremble with the anger coursing through my veins. Never in my life has everything felt so clear. This man who is supposed to love me has been sitting in here like he is the fucking controller of our family, orchestrating our lives because he thinks he has the right to. I heave out a breath, trying to stop myself from crying or saying what I really want to and making this all worse. I take one last look at the man I used to adore. I will never look at him the same way again. I head for the door.
"He nearly got you killed in the factory fire," he utters.
I flinch at the mention of that fire. Dad knew about it. I thought only Heath and I knew about what happened that night. This must be his last-ditch attempt to stop me from walking away. My hand is on the doorknob, but I can't turn the handle. I need to hear whatever else he has to say. How did he know we were there? So I don't move, I wait.
"The two of you shouldn't have been there, but you were because of him. Every time I would separate you, somehow you found your way back to each other. And now, just this year, he's responsible for the stalker who broke into your house and will do who knows what else to hurt you. He will be the death of you, Amelia, and I can't stand back and let that happen to my eldest daughter. Not now, not ever. Declan was a mistake, but we can fix that now." There is a fierce growl to his voice as he gets out the last part.
I spin around. "I'm a grown woman with children of her own and a business. I don't need my father telling me how I should live my life," I seethe through clenched teeth.
He stands, coming around the front of his desk and leaning back against it leisurely. “You have no idea what I have done for you, Amelia, to make sure you have a good life. Now you need to make good choices." He has said that line to me a thousand times before, but this time it's not a helpful suggestion, it's a threat. Was it every other time before as well, but I just didn't hear the warning? I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about how stupid I have been.
"Or what?" I shout back at him, losing what little control I have left. I don't think I have ever been so angry in my life. Who is this man?
He doesn't react the way I expected to me raising my voice to him; instead, he crosses one arm over the other slowly, with calculation. "Do you really think you built your fashion empire alone, dear daughter? You are very clever, but it takes more than an eye for detail to create what you now call your business." Each word holds an edge and a promise of the payback to come if I don't do what he's suggesting.