Page 59 of A Cage of Crystal
On the right,Aveline Corasande Caelan.
Cora’s name.
Cora’s fate.
Cora’s death.
Cora hadn’t forgotten about Morkai’s blood weaving that had bound her fate with Linette’s. But knowing about the curse was one thing. Seeing the origins of its inception was another. It made her stomach bottom out, made every hair on her arms stand on end.
When Morkai had confessed to her about the fate weaving—told her about it in this very room, no less—she’d felt violated. Shocked. Ashamed. He’d taken a twelve-year-old Cora’s mistake and twisted it for his own sinister use. After Cora had publicly declared before the court that Queen Linette had been lying about being with child, he’d used that knowledge to forge a devious plan, killing the queen and gathering her blood. Then he took Cora’s blood too, cutting her palm and weaving a horrible tapestry with it before her eyes. She’d fled the castle right after, unwitting as to why he’d cut her or what purpose that strange blood weaving had served.
But she knew now.
Morkai had bound her fate to Linette’s so that she, like her sister-in-law, would die childless.
All because of a prophecy he’d been determined to thwart.
Morkai’s voice echoed through her mind, recalling the words he’d said the night he’d confessed the truth.
The unicorns. The mother. The child. Who do you think you are in that prophecy?
Then after that…
You are the mother and your child would have been my enemy.
Weaving your fate was the only thing I could do to let you keep your life.
She hadn’t forgotten. No, she’d carried the burden of the curse, hating what he’d done if only because it robbed her of choice. And yet, she had grown complacent, hadn’t she? Upon Morkai’s death, she’d seen proof that his glamours had been severed. She’d assumed every bit of magic he’d cast had died along with him.
But that wasn’t true. She knew that now. The evidence was all around her, mocking her from the shadows of Lurel’s demise. Only the glamours, spells, and enchantments that had relied upon a continuous stream of magic from the Roizan had been broken when the creature died. When Morkai died. But everything else remained. Every curse he’d placed—using just a single instance of dark magic—stayed unbroken.
Which meant her fate was sealed. She’d die childless.
Her stomach plummeted further, taking her heart with it, but not for the reasons she expected. Having children might be a blessing she’d someday desire, but it had never been at the front of her mind. She was nowhere near ready for maternal responsibilities.
But that curse—that fate—was tangled up in something else now. Something far more pressing. Present. Cherished.
More of Morkai’s words rang through her mind.
You could never be Teryn’s queen. Do you know what the prince’s father did tohisqueen? He tried to have her replaced with his mistress. Teryn would only do the same to you.
She wanted to believe Morkai had been wrong. Her heart told her he had been. Teryn wouldn’t cast her aside for being unable to bear him children.
No, he wouldn’t, he’d…never…
He betrayed you before, came her own voice from deep inside her. It was stoic and steady, the part of her that remained within the walls she’d erected around her heart.He said he desired you. He never said love.
And even love could be broken. Even love could twist hearts. She’d seen it happen.
As much as Dimetreus had loved Linette, the queen had been so afraid of disappointing him that she’d lied. Pretended to be with child to keep his attentions from wandering. Back then, Cora had been perplexed over Linette’s motive. Why would anyone—a powerful queen, no less—lie about being pregnant?
Cora understood, now that she was older. She knew full well the expectations placed on royal women, even more so after her recent experiences with Verdian and his brothers. Queens were expected to bear heirs. If they failed…
Teryn would only do the same to you.
She shook her head. Teryn was no longer beholden to the pressures of the crown; he didn’t need an heir. He only needed to marry Cora to fulfill the alliance, and in turn, position Cora as Dimetreus’ heir. Histemporaryheir. Once he remarried…