Page 6 of A Cage of Crystal
With screams, cries, and the clash of steel.
With his father’s lifeless eyes.
He’d found a way to channel his angst, and it was in fighting for Cora’s freedom. After his injuries had been tended at Centerpointe Rock, he’d requisitioned a coach and followed King Verdian’s retinue to Verlot Palace.
For that was where Cora had been taken.
His half brother Larylis had remained by his side. When Teryn’s fractured rib kept him from writing, Larylis wrote for him. Together, they’d recorded everything Teryn knew about Cora, Morkai, and Dimetreus—anything that could prove Cora’s identity and innocence.
Once he’d arrived at Verlot Palace, he’d redoubled his efforts, dogged in his determination and refusing to return home to Dermaine Palace until the matter was settled. Not even his own coronation nor his father’s burial could tempt him away.
Not yet.
Not until she was safe.
Not until he’d fixed everything he’d nearly destroyed.
Teryn stood in the Great Hall of Verlot Palace, anxiety tickling the back of his mind. The emotion was a constant passenger and would be until Cora’s fate was sorted. He tried his best to ignore it, however, as a friendly face came bounding toward him.
“Prince Lex.” Teryn greeted his friend with a grin.
“Come to see me off?” Lex asked as they grasped each other’s forearms in a gesture of camaraderie. After the battle, Lex had come back to Verlot Palace. He’d done more than his share to confirm everything Teryn had said about Cora. And to keep quiet about all the things Teryn had left unsaid.
Teryn nodded. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.”
Lex gave a halfhearted shrug. “I had to make up for tricking you into thinking I’d abandoned you at Ridine Castle.”
“I would think fighting with our armies was already more than enough.” He glanced around the Great Hall. The gilded walls and marble floors echoed with sound, as the palace was already bustling with activity this morning. He caught several courtiers looking at him and Lex as they passed. Lowering his voice, he added, “But I do appreciate everything you’ve done for Cora.”
“Yes, well, I figured going the extra distance might remind you of a certain discussion we once had. One regarding Aromir wool.”
Teryn’s expression fell. He’d almost forgotten their bargain. It had begun as an offer from Lex to help Teryn win the Heart’s Hunt in exchange for inclusion into Menah’s most exclusive trade contract. After they’d met Cora, Teryn had renewed the promise to Lex, as long as he’d agree to come with them and rescue unicorns. Now that Menah was no longer in debt to Cartha, Teryn could afford to reward Lex’s loyalty. Still, he wasn’t officially king yet. He wasn’t sure what promises he could make.
Lex chuckled and slapped Teryn on the shoulder. “I’m kidding. I didn’t come to Verlot because of our alliance but because you’re my friend.”
Hearing Lex call him a friend warmed his heart. It was almost enough to quiet the incessant buzz of anxiety that fluttered in the back of his mind. “What about your father? Won’t he be cross that you’ve returned home empty-handed?”
Lex’s mirth faded. “Hopefully he’ll be proud enough that I helped save the damn world. Though, I bet he’d sooner chastise me for not hiding from the conflict. Either way, I hope you think of Tomas as an ally.”
“I do. Menah is yours as well.”
“What about Selay?” Lex asked with a grimace. “How much does King Verdian hate me?”
Teryn released a sigh. “No more than he dislikes me.” Proving Cora’s royal identity had required them to confess that Lex had withheld information from Verdian when he’d brought news of Morkai’s plans. It meant Selay could no longer carry the full blame for Teryn’s imprisonment at Ridine Castle. Teryn had learned that his father had decided to let Verdian think the Heart’s Hunt had been the sole reason Teryn had crossed paths with Morkai. It would be an understatement to say Verdian had been furious to learn the fault lay more with Teryn’s attempt to collect Cora’s bounty.
Lex squinted at Teryn. “Have you told her yet?”
“Told who what?”
“Cora,” Lex said, in a too-loud whisper. “Or Aveline, or whatever I am to call her now. Have you told her how you feel?”
Teryn didn’t know what to say. He hadn’t realized Lex still believed Teryn had feelings for Cora. He’d allowed his friend to believe as much when they’d first met her. It had been a ruse to convince Lex to join her unicorn rescue mission without Teryn having to admit the real reason he wanted to travel with her—to turn her over to the crown as an outlaw. He wasn’t sure why he kept quiet now. Perhaps because the lie no longer felt so false.
“You should tell her,” Lex said.
“I will.” It came out too fast, his cheeks suddenly too warm.
With that, they said their final farewells. Teryn watched his friend leave the Great Hall. As soon as he was out of sight, his fluttering sense of urgency crept back up. Dread filled his bones as it did during every quiet moment, every time he stood still without any direct destination toward which to move his feet. He bit the inside of his cheek just to feel something else. Something—