Page 27 of Super Secret Baby
"Okay, we'll do that. Just give me some time to pack and talk to the school," I answer. “Thank you so much.
"Awesome. Just call me when you’re ready and I'll drive up there and get you and then we can go to the vacation home together. I have to talk to my parents about this, but I know they'll be supportive," Janice answers.
At least someone is, I thought, wishing for the millionth time that I could have had parents like Janice’s.
After we hang up the phone, I go to my room and start packing up things that I'm going to need. Obviously I'm not calling my brother to tell him where I'm going.
Nor my parents either. It's kind of strange now that I'm more or less estrangedfrom my family.
I mean, I knew that Derek was going to get upset when I told him the news, but I wasn't expecting him to flip out like that.
My phone rings several times. I can see that it's his number, but I ignore the calls. After I'm done packing, though, I grab the phone and listen to the voicemails.
They're all angry and he’s yelling in them.
“How could you do this? You're ruining your life! Don't you realize you're throwing your life away? You have your whole future ahead of you!"
They all pretty much say the same thing, making me glad I didn’t answer.
With a loud, aggravated sigh, I set my phone down. I need to get the time off from school now. I start writing out and planning what I'm going to say to the admissions people. I feel nervous about it but it’s the only way things will work out.
And hopefully they take my news better than my brother is!
Janice calls back later that night.
"Hey sweetheart, I talked to my parents, so everything is a go and the vacation house is all ready for us. I have a key so I can drive up and get you whenever you're ready," she explains.
"Okay, good. I'm going to talk to the people tomorrow and request my time off and then I should be good to go after that," I explain, finally letting out a sigh of relief. “I have a final exam tomorrow and that wraps up the semester for me. It seems like a good time for a break.”
"Yes. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon and don’t forget that I'll pick you up,” Janice says to me. “I don’t want you to feel alone on this journey for one more second.”
I’m so glad I have her!
I feel a bit like a charity case but at least I have someone by my side.
We end our phone conversation and I hang up the phone after thanking her again. I change my clothes and get ready for bed. Then I lie here unable to slip off to dreamland.
Sleep eludes me for quite a while. I toss and turn, thinking about everything. Eventually my mind wears me out and I'm able to sleep, although I’m still nervous about what tomorrow will bring.
And once I finally doze off, all I can do is dream about Steve and how much I wish I— and our baby— could be back in his strong arms.
It's late the next morning, around 10:30 a.m.I have my bags packed and I'm waiting outside the dorm, hoping no one sees me or asks where I’m going. Finally, I see Janice's car approach.
She pulls up to the curb and gets out of the car. Then she grabs my bags and puts them in the trunk for me.
After that, we get in the car together and drive away, with me feeling relieved that none of my classmates stopped to ask in a nosy way about what was going on.
Then again, it just shows how little I’ve managed to socialize or make friends with people here at school. I guess my mind has been preoccupied with being pregnant.
My stomach twists as I tell myself that this is why Derek is so upset. I’ve let him down by blowing my ability to focus on my education, which is what I’m supposed to be doing at this age— not having his best friend’s baby!
At least he doesn’t know that part.
And as I feel the baby kick, I’m reminded of why all of this is worth it—even the fact that he’s upset with me. This might not be the best timing and it might not have happened under the best circumstances, but I still can’t wait to have this baby.
"So, how did everything go? Did you get the time off from school that you needed?" Janice asks me.