Page 15 of Captive
MacDuff frowned, his gaze on her expression. “And I can imagine what you probably went through with him. He shouldn’t have taken you with him.”
“I didn’t think so, either, at the time. It scared the hell out of me. But I got over it. Caleb has never tried to hide anything from me that he thought I could take.” She shrugged. “And I’m glad. He’s had to carry too many secrets over the years.” She tilted her head. “He didn’t tell you anything else?”
MacDuff shook his head. “I would have told you.” He glanced at the books she was carrying. “What are you doing this afternoon? Getting to know Fiona?”
“Perhaps later.” She was heading toward the door. “Right now I’m going to go upstairs and place a Skype call to Eve. All this talk about Fiona and everything she probably went through has made me want to tell Eve how much I love her and the rest of my family.” She glanced back at him and deliberately winked. “And that I know how lucky I am to belong to them and not to the MacDuff clan.”
Dimak Palik called Caleb thirty minutes after he’d hung up from MacDuff. “Bohdan has left the Congo and headed for Rome. Word is that he was searching for a couple of MI6 agents that his men told him were meeting with their chief. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“I know that I told Jennings not to go to that meeting,” Caleb said grimly. “I told them to hide out and screw the report until I could take out Bohdan. Do you know if the bastard has his hands on them yet?”
“I know that there was an unidentified body found in the Tiber River last night. It was pretty well chopped up, but I’ll check to see if it was one of your MI6.”
“Not mine,” Caleb said. “I wanted to go in alone. But the MI6 chief wanted insurance and sent a team. It’s almost sure to be Jennings in that river.”
“I could have told them to let you do it your way,” Palik said quietly. “Next time I’m available for references. Why did you even agree to do the job?”
“I don’t like the idea of bullies, and I didn’t see why an entire country on the edge of starvation should have to kowtow to Bohdan and his General Rozkor.” He shrugged. “And I hadn’t done anything for MI6 for a long time while I was occupied with doing that favor for Jane’s brother and her parents.”
“Ah, the wonderful Jane MacGuire,” Palik said. “Say no more. How is she?”
“The same. Safe, I think. She’s at MacDuff’s Run and well protected. There’s a good chance that Bohdan won’t even know that she has any connection with me.”
“Youthink?” Silence. “You never just think when it comes to Jane MacGuire. You know or you find out. Or you have me find out. Which is it?”
“You’ll have one of your men keep an eye on MacDuff’s Run. A very good man. If there’s even a hint of a threat there, I’m to know about it.”
“I hear you,” Palik said. “But I’m surprised you’re not going yourself. Is there something I should know?”
“Maybe that I’m Bohdan’s prime target and don’t want to lead any of his goons to Jane if they manage to track me?” Caleb asked caustically.
“I’ve never seen anyone who could track you,” Palik said. “I couldn’t do it, and I’ve known your moves for a long time.”
“There’s always the exception to prove the rule. That exception isn’t going to have ramifications for Jane.”
“I can see where you’re going,” Palik said. “What are you doing in Paris?”
“I won’t stay there. A bull’s-eye needs to keep moving. Bohdan will be on the hunt for me.” He chuckled. “Just as I’ll be hunting for him. I have to take him down before he zeros in on anyone I care about. It’s going to be an interesting game. And I have you to pave the way for me, Palik.”
“I’m actually relieved that you’re leaving part of it to us. I’m always worried when you get restless. You have a tendency toward recklessness. You may be able to get away with that crap, but I’d just as soon take it slow and easy.” He sighed. “And I know damn well that you’re not going to be able to resist checking on any agent I send to MacDuff’s Run. No matter how high a recommendation I give him.”
“Maybe I will. It depends if you’re able to locate Bohdan for me before he gets too close to Jane. I’ve no objection to putting an end to our contract right away. I’d prefer it.”
“So would I,” Palik said. “But it’s rare when I’m able to indulge myself when I’m working for you. I’ll check on that man they pulled out of the Tiber and verify if he’s MI6, and I’ll text you the credentials on my own excellent agent I’ll send to watch your Jane.”
“And locate Bohdan,” Caleb reminded him.
“That goes without saying. Where will you be?”
“Perhaps in Paris. Or move down to Lisbon. Though I might join you in Rome if you can find a clue to lead me to Bohdan.”
“Don’t count on it. You’re right, Bohdan may be coming after you. Did I tell you how chopped up that agent was when they pulled him out of the Tiber? Bohdan might have tortured him for information before he threw him in the river. Even if he didn’t, it might take a while to get an autopsy report. Either way, do me a favor, don’t get too restless.” He ended the call.
Don’t get too restless.
Palik’s words echoed in his mind as Caleb pressedDISCONNECT. Palik knew him too damn well, he thought impatiently. They had been working together for a number of years and he could almost read Caleb’s thoughts. Hewasrestless, and he couldn’t make a move on Bohdan yet. Even if he was able to locate him in Rome, it wouldn’t be the most efficient way to rid the world of the son of a bitch. He had to arrange to have Gamba Mandia, head of the Congo opposition party, alerted to what he was doing so that the country wouldn’t slip into chaos.