Page 35 of Captive
“I see.” She couldn’t keep her lips from twitching. “I’ll be sure to choose you a horse that will be gentle and smart enough to understand what an honor it is to have your company.” She picked up the diary he’d laid down to look at the Reiver history. “Now go make notes on MacClaren and do your thing. Then give that book back to me. There are all kinds of diagrams and photos of everything connected to the Reiver Railway Company. I want to see if I can make any more sense of these Reiver train yards.”
“What do you have in mind?” he asked warily. “You promised me no more field trips off the property.”
“And I’ll keep my word. I know the border is too far from here. Besides, I’d end up with MacDuff and his men trailing me along with you. I’ll be content with going to visit Jamie MacDuff’s house and saving the Reiver train for when Caleb takes down Bohdan. By that time, you’ll be gone and won’t have to bother with where I go.”
“It’s not too much of a bother.” He smiled slyly. “I’ve begun to feel almost brotherly toward you. You’re a little skittish, but I’ve managed to keep you under control.”
“And if this book wasn’t so fragile, I’d smash it on your arrogant head.”
“Not at all a sisterly response.” He opened the book. “And I thought we were getting along so well. But you’ll forgive me when I hand you Farrell MacClaren on a platter.”
“That’s debatable. Do it, and I’ll give you a decision…or a judgment.” She was still trying not to smile. He was a thorough scamp but having him here had been a relief and distraction. She’d needed that distraction between worrying about Caleb and the ramifications of that trip to Kilgoray. Caleb hadn’t called her since that night, and she’d wanted to strangle him. No, she didn’t, she amended quickly. She just wanted him to safely end this nightmare and come back to her. She’d frantically dived into the study surrounding Fiona and tried to pretend to MacDuff and not let him see what she was feeling. Working with Rodland had given her an excuse that had filled a multitude of purposes.
“Caleb is all right, you know.” Rodland had not looked up from the book. “He’s extraordinary and he knows what he wants. Evidently, he wants you. He’ll never stop.”
“I know that. Most of the time.” She took a drink of her water. “Neither will I. You don’t have to worry about your friend Caleb. I’ll take care of him.” She added wryly, “If I can push aside all the people in my way.”
“That’s good to know.” He glanced up with the smallest smile. “I’ll keep it in mind. Though you can’t possibly be talking about me.” He looked down again. “Now don’t bother me. I’ve got calls to make.”
Maggiano Lake
Palik slid down the side of the ditch to where Caleb was waiting. “I hope you know this is beneath my dignity. I have men who do this kind of thing for me these days. I should charge you extra.”
“You will.” Caleb lifted the infrared binoculars to his eyes again. “As soon as you’re certain it will be enough for what you might be forced to go through for this little foray. You wouldn’t want to undercharge me. That would be a disaster.”
“I’m glad you understand.” He gazed out over the water to the opposite bank. “Are you sure this is the target you want?”
“No, that’s why I’m still here. For a meth lab it appears to be getting plenty of business. The warehouse is huge. It may be the right choice.”
“It’s the biggest Bohdan property in Italy and definitely the most profitable. He also sells out of the country to drug dealers in France. What else could you want.”
“I want him to hurt. I want him to go back to the Congo and forget about me for a while until I can set a trap far from MacDuff’s Run.”
“This might not do it.”
“Then I’ll hit him again. Have you set everything up?”
“Except for the time and the final decision. You didn’t seem to be in a hurry.”
“Oh, I’m in a hurry. But the drug house in Campania is still in the running. I just want it to be the right choice. I might be able to make it, if you stop talking and let me concentrate.”
Palik sighed and leaned back. “Either way, it might be my fault for not giving you what you need. Right? I’ll pull this whiskey out of my pocket I brought to soothe me in case you were being difficult. Then I’ll definitely shut up.”
MacDuff’s Run
Next Day