Page 9 of Captive
“No, I only called as a precaution, Jane. None of them are in actual danger as far as I know. The only one who has a bull’s-eye painted on his back is me. And since I have no intention of coming back to the Run anytime soon, everyone else should be safe. Both MI6 and MacDuff’s men are going to be there to make certain it stays that way.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” Jane tried to keep her voice steady. “Not until I know every detail of what’s going on. Particularly, that damn bull’s-eye. Give me the entire story, Caleb.”
She listened carefully, only asking a clarifying question every now and then until he stopped speaking. “Yes, I can see how they’d be a little irritated with you,” she said finally. “And I can see how you couldn’t resist going after that general and Bohdan. Not only a challenge, but you got a chance to save all those boys being terrorized and forced to be child soldiers by Bohdan.”
“Not yet,” Caleb said. “Stop making me out to be a hero. I didn’t know about the child army recruitment until I got to the Congo. MI6 thought if I got rid of the general in charge that Bohdan’s power would dissipate. That’s not going to happen. Then Zeller broke under questioning and I had no choice even if I wanted to go after Bohdan. I figure I only got half the job done before I had to go on the run.”
She tensed. “So you have to go back?”
“Not necessarily, I’ll have to see what can be done.”
“But I won’t be able to see you, be with you?”
Silence. “Not a good idea. Not for a little while.”
She drew a deep breath. “Okay, then let me get this straight. You obviously don’t believe the personal danger to me is very great, but you’re not willing to take the slightest chance that Bohdan or one of his men might decide that I’m worth using to draw you into a trap. Which means you’re leaving me here surrounded by MacDuff’s guards and going after the bastard on your own. Is that correct?”
“You know it is,” he said wryly. “You have no problem reading me. And it’s the most efficient and safest way to handle it, Jane.”
“Maybe. I’m sure MI6 and MacDuff and you are in complete agreement about treating me like one of those big-eyed Russian nesting dolls you stack whichever way you want, leaving me out of any decisions. How dare you? I think itsucks, Caleb.”
“Yes, it does. I knew you’d react like this. I can’t help it. I won’t risk it. I didn’t expect this assignment to involve you in any way. It was just going to be in and out. But it didn’t turn out that way.” He added, “And you could tell me not to take any more assignments if you think I’m not being fair. I’d listen to you.”
“How can I do that?” she asked fiercely. “You’re the Hunter. Joe has been a detective for years and Eve would never tell him that he shouldn’t take any risk he has to take.”
“We both know that the missions I tend to accept are a bit more intense than the usual assignment. It’s not quite the same thing.”
“Maybe not. But I accepted that I wouldn’t be living an ordinary life with you. It was my choice. I won’t back down because I’m scared some asshole might target you. I’ll just find a way to get around it. You’re stuck with me, dammit.”
He chuckled. “Whatever you say. Whew, thank God.” He added lightly, “I was getting a little uneasy. I recall that you were very adamant about marriage vows being in our near future, but you haven’t mentioned it lately.”
“I decided that I’d give you a chance to get used to the idea. Everyone knows what a lousy childhood and upbringing you had. Family has always been important to me. I’ve never wanted you to think marriage and family would be just another burden.”
“I believe I could suffer through it. I was beginning to think I was being jilted.”
She was silent a moment. “Funny you should mention that wedding. MacDuff asked me about it, too.”
“What did you say?”
“That sometimes things change. And that the whole world seems to have changed lately.”
“And is that how you feel?”
“Perhaps.” She added, “Like I said, sometimes.”
Caleb muttered a curse. “Well, then we’ll have to have a more in-depth discussion. Because I’m not willing to have anything changed where you’re concerned. If you feel anything between us needs to be adjusted, come to me and I’ll take care of it.” He paused. “And I’m angry as hell this Bohdan mess has come up right now. Because I’ve been thinking lately that there may be something not quite right with you, and I have to find out what’s wrong.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jane said curtly. “I’m not the one who’s on the run from a mercenary who wants to behead me. I might not be happy about it, but you’ve explained the problem and now I’ll go along with what you’ve decided is best to protect MacDuff and his people here.” She hesitated. “But if the situation changes, let me know right away. I’ve loved this place since the day I came here years ago to research Cira and the ancestral line of the MacDuff family. MacDuff and his people have always been good to me. I won’t stay one more minute if it means I put anyone here in danger. Will you promise me that?”
“You know I will.”
“And I want you to call me whenever you get a chance and let me know that no one has managed to separate your head from your body. I’ve always kind of liked them as a matched set.”
“Then I’ll be sure to accommodate you. Maybe you have your share of delicate feelings after all. Or it might just be that artistic temperament.” He added softly, “I promise I’ll finish this up as quickly as I can. Everything is going to be fine.”
“I know that.” Jane cleared her throat. “But maybe after you get through with saving the Congo, we might go visit Eve and Joe at the lake cottage for a week or two. I’ll check with Eve, but I don’t believe anyone there has chopped off anyone’s head in a long time. That sounds pretty good to me.”
“Anywhere you want to go. I’ll contact Bezos and see if there are any seats left on the next rocket.”