Page 105 of No Omega Needed
"My mom's a beta, too. It took a lot of years before she believed my dads wouldn't run off when they found their omega. They don't talk about it often, but they said enough that I know it's going to be the same battle with Love."
Dexter barks a laugh. "Yeah, we all get the picture. You want Baby, moving on. Take the book and get out."
My fists clench as I try to hold back my anger. He's insecure to the point he'd rather push people away than let them get too close. I'm striding forward before I can stop myself. I grip Dexter by the shoulders and spin him around. My forearm lands over his chest as I pin him to the wall.
"Is it that fucking scary to consider letting someone in?" I ask, studying his face. "You obviously care about Issac and Love, but even then you keep them at arm's length. Why?"
"Get the fuck off me, Grandma," Dexter hisses, shoving at my chest. Unfortunately for him, I've got him by close to thirty pounds. I slam him back even harder this time. He's an alpha, he's not going to break.
Dexter builds this unwavering devotion in everyone who gets close to him. It's plain to see in Issac, Love, and even Lyric and Ryder. It's also confusing as hell, considering how he acts sometimes.
Every impulse in me aches to soothe his pain, but he won't even admit it's there.
How do you help someone who won't help themselves and won't let you close enough to start to heal their cracks? He's not a lost cause. That notebook proves that.
It makes my chest ache with a painful throb.
"You want to be a good dad?" I ask, but I don't wait for him to answer. "The first step is cutting out the drugs. The second is stop shutting out your fucking teammates. Vince, Issac, and I aren't your enemies! It's hard to trust someone when they don't trust themselves. If you want to be someone Love can count on, then stop fighting the people who are trying to be here for you."
My forearm lands against his chest again. I want to grab him by the shoulders and literally shake some fucking sense into him. I blow out a breath, trying to calm my anger. It doesn't help.
I spin around and head for the door.
"Vince and I aren't going anywhere. You've played enough games with Love that it's going to be twice as hard to get her to trust us. But I'm not afraid of hard work, and I don't view you as the enemy. She loves you, Dexter. That's plain enough to see. And one day, if I put in the work, she might love me, too. But that doesn't mean she loves you or Issac any less to make room for her feelings for me. You have allies ready and waiting when you're ready to take that step."
Dexter glares.
I shrug.
"I'm sure you hear my words, but you're so damn…" I sigh. "God, I don't know the word. Stubborn? Frustrating? Pig-headed, that you won'tlistento a word I've said. But I'll say it again and again until you hear me.We are not on opposite teams.That notebook proves that. In sports you learn you're only as strong as your teammates. Where you have weaknesses, I have strengths. That goes both ways. My offer stands. You want to learn how to take care of the baby? I'm here. All you have to do is ask."
I sigh, shaking my head.
"And stop fucking hitting on me. I only fuck people I love, and I think we both know you don't want me, you want attention. I'm not going to give it to you. So move the fuck on and grow the fuck up."
I turn and leave without another word. Only I forgot the damn book. I slam back inside, grabbing the book off the bed, and glance at Dexter. He's staring at his bare feet, and looking defeated.
"You build this unwavering trust in everyone around you. That alone tells me you're not a lost cause, but people can only pour so much effort into a person who won't help themselves. I thought I made it clear that she loves you. You haven't even tried to talk to her about it. Sitting here wallowing in your feelings isonly hurting you both. Get yourself together and be the man she needs you to be."
Dexter's eyes finally meet mine and he nods. I guess we'll see. Dealing with him is incredibly exhausting. He's either got to get the point or get out of the way so the rest of us can move on.
Chapter Thirty-Two
Baby Love McKinley
"Iknow," Kitten says, swallowing thickly. Her pretty blue-green eyes won't meet mine through the screen. "It's just…"
Dexter catches my eyes and shrugs. We all know, sometimes you have to wait it out. Let Lyric work through her thoughts and emotions before she's ready to speak. She stares at the phone, nibbling on her bottom lip.
The guys got back from their trip to Colorado and, honestly, I think I'm nesting. I don't have much desire to leave the penthouse, and when I do I really want to get back as soon as possible. I've had the uncontrollable urge to fix and organize everything.
"I don't think I can do this without you," Kitten finally finishes. "It feels like you have to be there. If you aren't there, something big will be missing."
"I swear," Dex says, pushing his way into the chair next to me, "you two should just get married. You've got quite the hetero-life partner vibes going on right now. And I'm totally here for it."
Kitten points at the phone, nodding.
"I would if I could," Kitten says, frowning. "They won't even let me marry all my guys. One per person. Absolutely ridiculous."