Page 111 of No Omega Needed
"Fucking fair enough," Lachlan grumbles. "You fucked with my surprise energy. I was all pumped and—"
"You can smoke a blunt with Issac while me and Dex warm up," Rook suggests.
Lachlan's eyes slide to Issac.
Issac snorts a laugh. "Sure, why the fuck not?"
"You're my soulmate," Lachlan says, bouncing around. "All right, let's do this. I even picked three fitting songs I know by heart that you can choose from."
"Got another guitar here?" Issac asks, rubbing his hands together. "I'll do lead if you'll do rhythm?"
Rook nods. "You can use mine, but if you fuck it—"
"Never," Issac says, shocked as fuck. Dude, I am too. Issac lets no one handle his guitar… except me.
"Come on, let's go pick the right song to get you back in Love's good graces," Rook says, tossing an arm over my shoulder.
"Saint has such a big mouth," I grumble, swiping a hand over my face.
"Yeah, he and Lyric have been plotting for days. Guess it's turnabout for when you guys helped Ryder slide back in," Rook says, guiding us into a room off the small stage.
"I'm not complaining. I'll take all the help I can get."
"Ready?" Issac asks, grinning. "You're not going to get out there and forget the words or something, right?"
"Shit, don't jinx the man," Lachlan says, tossing an arm around my neck. "You got this, bro. Between you and Rook, they'll be melting."
Kitten is a very melty person… Baby not so much. Hell, I'm basically out of other options at this point. I'll try anything. What I really need is an opportunity to clear the air with her.
"You've got this. She loves you," Issac assures me.
"We've got Saintly and Blondie on duty, buttering her up as we speak," Lachlan says, laughing.
"Come on, only way to know for sure is to give it a chance," Rook says, nodding to the door.
Issac and Lachlan head out first to call everyone to order and get the girls in place.
"Y'all really don't mind doing this shit on your wedding day?" I ask Rook as we wait.
"Technically speaking, it's not my wedding day yet. That's why we need the pack laws to pass. But nah, I think you forgethow much the bond bleeds over. It's practically impossible to hate you fuckers when Lyric loves your asses so hardcore."
"Thanks, man," I say, tossing myself at him for a hug.
Rook is taken aback for about three seconds before he hugs the shit out of me in return.
"Try not to fuck up this romantic gesture," Rook grumbles, shoving me away. "It'll only get you ahead if you quit the bullshit."
"Yeah," I agree.
Griffin pops his head in. "They're in place. Love is looking a little miserable. If I were you, I'd take her up and get her off her feet after this."
I smirk. "Got it. Thanks."
"Are you gonna get your shit together?" Griffin asks, scratching at his blond beard.
"Christ," I hiss, shaking my head. "Am I going to have the same fucking conversation over and over again?"
Griffin chuckles. "Ryder told us how stubborn and oblivious you can be. We've got a strategy when it comes to Lachlan…" He snorts a laugh. "We barely had to modify it at all to get through to your ass."