Page 129 of No Omega Needed
"Walker said she's definitely in labor and there's no way they can get to the parking lot," Riggs says. He spins in a circle, cursing at his phone. "Her water hasn't broken, and it can take hours. He said don't freak out because he's got Oakley with them. Hawkins, too. They're secure for now, and she's okay."
"Motherfucking Jesus Christ," I growl. "How does the anti-pack movement even have this many supporters around to cause this kind of disruption?"
"It was part of a well-coordinated effort. The shows in New York and Chicago were also converged upon. Jamen is pulling the plug on the Las Vegas and L.A. shows," Leon adds like I actually give a fuck.
"I'm calling Hawkins to make a plan," Riggs says to me.
I give him a nod as he steps away.
"We never should have done this fucking show," Dex says, pacing the floor. "Even if they start allowing pack marriages, it won't change a damn thing for us."
He's bouncing around and fidgeting worse than normal.
"Come here," I say, pulling him into me for a hug. "It's all going to be fine. Women give birth every day. Love is strong, and she's healthy. We just need to make it over there to be by her side."
"Right," Dex says. He squeezes me tight. "I'm freaking the fuck out. I don't even know how to hold a real baby."
"Step one," Riggs says, smirking at Dexter, "don't fucking drop it."
Dex snorts a laugh, shaking his head. "Thanks, dick-head."
"You stay clean, and I'll teach you all about babies," Riggs says, raising an eyebrow. "Well, whatever Jude hasn't gone over."
Dexter blinks for a few seconds. He finally nods his agreement. Riggs' eyes fall back to his phone.
"It's real messy out there," Riggs says, texting someone. "Hawk is going to try to meet us at the side entrance, but he said it's pretty locked down. They're trying to keep the troublemakers out."
"Let's go," I growl.
I can't stand around here waiting anymore. We need to get to Love. If shit gets worse, then I need to be by her side.
"Let's do this," Dexter says, bouncing around and shaking out his arms.
I get it. I'm brimming with energy that I don't know what to do with. We fall in line and head toward the door. The venue security gives us shit, but eventually they let us through.
Dexter is up front as we head down the back hall. The outdoor stage faces a huge field. The pro-pack fundraiser had tables and information booths set up all around out there, but we're going to be coming out the back door. There's a covered walkway with a sidewalk that connects this building to the convention center.
Dexter pushes out the door, and Riggs is right behind him with Sullivan at his side. The noise is deafening as they head out. I'm right on their heels, with Warrick and Ramsey behind me.
It's absolutely as bad as everyone said. There are people tossing random shit at cops. Cops doing their best to subdue the violent assholes making trouble. People screaming, and garbage cans are on fire. It looks like complete fucking chaos.
It's when I catch the guys in full military tactical gear that I do a double take. They're wearing t-shirts that readHonor Freedom, but they're fucking with the cops.
Yeah, assholes, how exactly does that make sense? You're protesting our right to form packs, which, forgive me if I'm wrong, should be part of my goddamn freedom.
My eyes burn from the garbage that's currently on fire, or maybe the cops tear-gassed the crowd. I've got no idea. Fucking hell, I wish I had a shirt on so I could cover my nose and mouth at least. Shit, I can taste something in the air, and it's awful.
Our group ducks and weaves on and off the sidewalk, aiming for the convention center. It's complete fucking madness.
Dexter is maybe ten feet in front of me when a guy in a militia t-shirt and tactical vest cuts past him, dragging a woman by her hair. She's young, maybe early twenties, and she's fighting like her life depends on it.
Dex eyes them and stops dead in his tracks. His head swivels like he's checking if the cops oranyoneis going to handle that. He bounces on his toes like he can't decide if he's supposed to intercede.
I get it.
The urge to ignore everything and get to Love is strong for me, too.
"Jesus Christ," Warrick growls from beside me. "What the fuck is your problem, man?" He stomps toward the guy in theHonor Freedomt-shirt.