Page 136 of No Omega Needed
I try to squeeze my knees together, but he's got his shoulders blocking me from doing anything. My eyes fly to his and my heart stalls.
He looks so worried.
"I can't push until we're at the hospital," I sob as tears drip from my eyes. It's not just the physical pain, either. Emotionally I'm exhausted.
"I wish I could hold you so badly right now. You're doing so well." Jude gives me a weak smile. "The baby is crowning. A few more pushes and the hard part will be over," Jude says. "I've got you, sweetheart. We're going to get this baby born safely. We're in thistogether."
The EMTs tried to help, but Jude growled them out of the way and since then they've stayed back.
"I can't," I whisper. "We have to wait."
"I love you," Jude says.
My jaw falls open.
"I'm right here with you," he says, staring at me with a look of sincerity that takes my breath away. "Push for me, darlin'."
The next contraction hits, and even though it's the last thing I want to do I still do it.
"That's it, just like that," Jude says. "You really are a rock star at giving birth. Keeping pushing for me, Love."
I can't tell exactly what he's doing because my entire lower body is covered by a sheet and simultaneously feels like it's on fire, but it hurts so badly I can barely force myself to breathe.
"Keep going," Jude says in a soothing tone that makes me cry harder.
I come to terms with the fact that he'll never look at me the same way again and push with every ounce of strength I've got left.
"Towel," Jude barks. The EMT hands him something as I cry, looking at the wall because I'm pretty sure this is all just a nightmare that I'll eventually wake up from.
"It's a girl," Jude chokes out.
My eyes fly to his as the tiny wail breaks the silence of the moment. God, I hurt so much I couldn't tell she was out.
"A girl?" I whimper, trying to lean forward, but holy shit that hurts like hell.
"Christ, Love, she's absolutely perfect," he whispers as tears drip down his cheeks. He's cleaning the membranes off her face and cradling her in his giant forearm.
The cord is still attached but the EMT comes over, clamping it.
"She's breathing on her own so we've got to cut it," Jude says absently, still cleaning off her face and neck.
"Do you want to do it?" the EMT closest to Jude asks.
Jude's eyes fly to mine, and I nod. "Please, you should do it."
I can't believe Dexter and Issac missed this, but I'm so grateful for Jude. I couldn't have done this without him.
I'm pretty sure I ramble something to that effect and Jude nods, looking at me with a tender affection that takes my breath away.
"Here, let's get her on your chest, and I'll cut the cord," Jude says, coming up to my head. He places her on my chest and my whole world tilts. "I love you so much."
Jude nuzzles my cheek, tenderly brushing his lips over mine.
All I can do is nod as I gently rock my daughter.
I think maybe I'm in shock.
Chapter Forty-Three