Page 143 of No Omega Needed
"I tried to tell them we should have one big house, but I got outvoted," Kitten says. She's lying on her stomach while Love lies on her side, nursing Bellamy. There's something about the sight of it that does my fucking head in.
"Two houses are good; we can always stay over if the guys are out of town," Love says, smiling indulgently at Kitten.
"I just feel like we're supposed to be one big pack, you know?" Kitten says, picking at her fingernail. "I love you all, and I think it would give you extra security, too."
Love nods. "And I appreciate that. I really do. I'm done holding back. I'm not going to let fear keep me from bonding. Not anymore."
My goddamn heart tries to race right out of my chest.
Fuck yes!
Okay, maybe Kitten isn't such a pain in the ass. Although I'd like to think that was only easy for her because I've laid the groundwork with Love over the years.
"Hey," Love says when she catches sight of me. Her face lights up like it does every time.
"No," Kitten grumbles, jabbing a finger at me. "We're nesting."
I chuckle. Kitten is pouting hardcore.
"Get a couple of your alphas in here to cuddle," I say, laughing at the glare she shoots my way. "Love needs rest, and I need my woman close."
"Fine then, you can stay," Kitten says, blinking. "They need to be here. It'ssafe."
Love frowns at Kitten. Nope, that's not going to work. I know she loves Kitten. Hell, we all do, but this is why an omega holds no appeal for me personally.
Love is a badass. Sure, she's still working through some shit, but she's not crumbling.
Kitten wasn't even there, and she's going through it.
"You can borrow her for a few hours tomorrow," I say, kneeling down and knee-walking over to grab the baby.
"Burp her," Love says, plucking Bellamy off her swollen breast.
I groan at the sight of her full tit on display.
Kitten laughs. "Yeah, that's the downside to popping out tiny humans. None of the good stuff for six weeks."
I take Bells, giving Kitten a playful growl. She just smirks.
Bellamy is so fucking tiny in my huge hands, but I'm not afraid like Dexter. He should have more faith in himself. He's literally fucking nothing like his mother.
Love gets herself situated, and Kitten helps her up.
"You're moving, right?" Kitten asks in a small and hopeful voice.
I roll my damn eyes. Everyone is so fucking needy, and it's making me want to growl and snarl and lock Love away from anyone who asks anything from her right now.
"Yes, eventually," Love says, squeezing Kitten. "Not until after I'm healed, though. I seriously cannot imagine traveling right now."
"No, I understand. I'm so sorry, Love. I know I'm being selfish. I just want you guys close where I know you'll be safe."
They hug and Love laughs.
"It's not a bad thing having people care about us. I'm grateful I'll have you close by. It just won't be immediately, so I need you to prepare for that." Her words are soft and kind, but firm.
Good. I'm getting tired of Love getting walked all over so everyone else can be happy. It's our time to be selfish.
"You smell absolutely delicious," Love groans as I climb into bed after my shower. "God, Izzy, I've missed you so much. Have you been avoiding me, or is life just so chaotic that I can't tell?"