Page 147 of No Omega Needed
"Oh, fuck off," Dex growls. "I was saying you're skinny enough you'd kick ass out here. Riggs, though? He couldn't launch his big ass off the ground."
I frown. The image of Riggs trying to do half the shit those guys did tonight has me busting out in a reluctant chuckle.
"Fine, if you want to be the boring grandma forever…" Dex trails off. "Then let's head back."
"I'm not boring," I growl.
I shove Dex with a solid push to the pecs.
"I'm getting real tired of everyone saying that," I hiss.
I don't like the idea of Love thinking I'm too boring to keep her interest.
I just let Dexter Clark bait me.
"Yeah?" Dex asks. "Then live a little."
It's nearly dawn when we drag our exhausted asses back to the penthouse.
We make it inside the building and into the elevator. Dex leans back against the wall and sighs.
It's not awkward with us anymore, but I do feel like I'm supposed to be doing more.
"The meetings are helping?" I ask, trying to make sure he knows I wasn't just talking shit.
I really need to see him succeed.
"They're fine," Dex says, shrugging. "I need to find a sponsor, but if we're about to move it doesn't make sense to find one here. I know it's going to be a thousand times harder when I have to leave Baby and Bells."
"It won't be easy, but it will be worth it," I tell him, staring him dead in the eyes.
He nods, glancing up at the numbers on the elevator.
"I should probably say thank you for all the shit you've been helping me with. Teaching me about how to take care of Bellamy and never making me feel like an idiot when I don't know something. I really appreciate it," he says, staring straight into my eyes. "It really helps that you're so calm. It feels like even if I fuck up, it won't be a catastrophic failure. Because I've got faith that you'll catch my mistake before it gets that far."
I swallow thickly, nodding at him.
"You're doing great. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't hold yourself to an impossible standard. Just keep doing your best. Everyone can see how much progress you've made," I say as we exit the elevator. "We're all here for you."
"Thanks, Jude," Dex says, surprising the hell out of me with a hug that comes out of nowhere.
My own feelings are complicated when it comes to Dexter, but I think he needs to realize that not all relationships are based on sex or lust. It's hard though, my urge to take care of him is almost undeniable at times.
It's easy to see how he earns that unwavering loyalty from everyone around him. He's not perfect. None of us are, but Dex is a decent guy.
Now that he's putting in the effort, it's plain to see.
To all of us.
Even Riggs.
It's humorous as hell watching Vince and Dexter build a reluctant friendship. It's still tenuous at best, but they're getting there.
Chapter Forty-Seven
Vince Riggs