Page 155 of No Omega Needed
Vince snores. It's so bad I'm unsure how anyone can sleep through it. I'm being moody because normally Icansleep through it. Tonight, though… Nah, it's especially bad.
Maybe it was the long days of traveling that made it worse. I don't know, but it's awful.
Vince is sleeping on the sofa, half sitting up. He didn't want to share a queen-sized bed with Jude. The hotel tonight didn't have two kings available in one room.
Bellamy starts fussing.
I groan, preparing myself to jump up to grab her. Pushing Issac's massive arm off my chest, I scoot over toward Dexter. He's a million times easier to climb over. I roll over Dexter's chest. He barely wakes up, but he pulls my hips down over his half-hard cock.
"Hey, Baby," Dex whispers sleepily.
I grunt, leaning in to give him a quick sleepy kiss.
Jude's already up. He gently puts Bellamy on the end of his bed, making quick work of changing her diaper.
My eyes are heavy as I trudge across the room. It's the worst feeding of the night. The dreaded three or four a.m. extravaganza.
Bellamy is convinced it's morning. I'm still trying to get a few more hours of sleep. We do not see eye to eye during this feeding.
"Hey, darlin," Jude says, chuckling. "You're dead on your feet. Want me to give her a bottle?"
"No, if I don't feed her then I'll leak." I frown.
Damn, did I just say that?
He's so painfully gorgeous when he grins that I can't believe he's actually attracted to me.
What the hell happened to me? I used to be relatively chill.
Now I'm in embarrassing mom mode all the time.
Jude grins a wide smile that takes my breath away.
"All right, you lie down. Get comfy, and I'll give her to you."
"I can't," I say, around a yawn. "I don't want to risk rolling over on her."
Jude nods. "I know. I'll stay up and wake you when she's done. How's that sound?"
Groaning, I climb into the bed Jude's been sleeping in. I have very little modesty, so I pop my boob out.
Jude lies down in front of me, scooting Bellamy toward my chest. Bells roots around but latches quickly.
Jude rubs Bells' back. His citrusy scent is spicy tonight. My nostrils flare as I breathe him in.
He grins over at me. He's framing Bellamy's back so she can't get lost in the big bed. Or maybe he just wants to be close to us.
Jude bites his lip, studying my face. It's quite the intimate moment.
Leaning up on his forearm, he brushes his lips over mine. My heart beats erratically.
"I really do love you," he whispers. The soft smile on his face doesn't falter as he stretches out one arm, gently rubbing my cheek. With the other hand, he rubs soft circles on Bellamy's back.
"I really do love you, too," I tell him softly.
His eyes search mine. "I feel like you're uncomfortable with me since..."
My face burns. "You helped make sure Bellamy was born safely. Hell, if you can ignore how traumatic that was, then I will, too."