Page 168 of No Omega Needed
Chapter Fifty-Three
Baby Love McKinley
We're in Kitten's living room. With all ten of the guys, Bellamy, Kitten and me, it's pure fucking chaos. It's been two weeks since the pro-pack legislation passed. It was way closer than it should have been, but it was approved and things are looking up.
The laws give packs the right to have plural marriage, adds a bunch of extra protections for kids born into a pack, and sets up an easier standard for packs to own property and businesses.
All around, it's a step in the right direction. The shitty part is that you have to have an omega to qualify for pack status, but who knows? One day, maybe that'll change.
I'm excited for Kitten. She'll be able to marry all her guys now. It's a bittersweet feeling since I know all my guys wish that could be us. It is what it is. I'm down for marriage, but like I told them, I don't feel right choosing who I'd legally marry because that would leave out three of them. I recommended pulling a name out of a hat, but they all scoffed at that.
The television plays in the background and my eyes fly to it when I hear my father's name. It's never a good sign whenSawyer McKinley is in the press. Ever since his failed Senate run, he's been quiet. It also helps that I blocked his and my mother's numbers, but he hasn't bothered us since.
My jaw falls open as I listen to the newscast.
"What the hell?" I whisper, leaning forward to hear what is being said. "Could y'all please shut the fuck up?"
"I'm sure Sir Stormer can give you all the details if you miss something," Dexter says, laughing.
Kitten slaps the shit out of him in the gut, but he only laughs harder.
I frown.What the hell is that supposed to mean?
"Insider trading is a serious offense," Saint says, cooing down at Bellamy. "Looks like your shit-head grandfather could be in for up to twenty years in the slammer." He coos it in a ridiculous baby voice.
"How's that for karma?" Vince asks. He's sitting on the floor at my feet. He grins up at me, and I dive forward, claiming his mouth in a dirty kiss.
"I'm not complaining a bit," I murmur as we pull back.
"Apparently Grandma Walker only complains if it's kitchen fuckery," Lachlan says, laughing as he takes a seat and pulls Kitten into his lap.
"I'm not even going to explain why fucking on the kitchen counter is unsanitary. You're adults. You should know this," Jude says with a huff.
I laugh, carefully climbing off the couch and going to take a seat in his lap.
"No kitchen banging for us?" I ask, grinning against his cheek.
"That's what Clorox wipes are for," Issac says, pulling my feet into his lap.
Jude snuggles the damn hell out of me. I just grin.
"I could probably make an exception with proper hygiene afterwards," Jude whispers against my ear.
I shiver in response, laughing at how serious he sounds.
"No," Lachlan pouts, pointing at us. "You guys don't get to make any more crotch goblins until Blondie finally agrees to let us reproduce."
I snort.
Saint and Rook start in on Lachlan. Issac rubs my ankle, and smirks like he doesn't hate the idea of a couple more kids.
Kitten frowns at Lachlan, but she sure snuggles the hell out of Bellamy when Saint hands her over. I swear they have a plan to wear her down using Bells at the catalyst.
I laugh.
Looking around at the room full of our packmates, it's pretty clear I've got all the family I could ask for.