Page 34 of No Omega Needed
"Bass players are always in demand," Dex says, nodding. "Any of the above."
"Don't give up on music," I tell him. "It's in your blood. You think you're miserable now? Try giving it up. It'll feel like you're in the middle of the ocean and don't know how to swim."
"You're a musician?" Marcus asks, quirking an eyebrow.
"Baby plays the violin and piano," Dex says. "She just hates it because her parental units forced the issue."
I shake my head no. "No, not a musician, but I am a painter. I've taken a break during my pregnancy because I askeda handful of doctors, and their opinions weren't unanimous on whether or not some of the mediums were safe."
"Gotcha, that sucks," Marcus says, nodding. "Here's an idea. Don't get knocked up again. Then you can make all the art you'd like and no one has to deal with your moody ass being pregnant. I swear that shit hasn't helped your stellar disposition."
I laugh behind my hand. Poor Marcus. He really is confused why I'm nice as pie to literallyeveryoneexcepthim.
"God, I wish men could be pregnant," I tell them. "Labor would be painless, there'd be free pregnancy craving delivery at any hour, and we'd have a cure for stretch marks."
Dexter cracks up. "It's the hanger talking," he says to Marcus. "She'll settle down once she eats."
Marcus snorts. "Not even close to buying that shit."
"Christ," Marcus wheezes, clutching at his gut. "I might never recover."
"Don't touch my fries," I growl around the bite of cheeseburger.
Vince and Jude stare at me with duplicate looks of horror on their faces.
"You're a fucking lunatic," Marcus grumbles. "I was aiming formysoda."
I shrug. "I was going to apologize for calling you a little bitch earlier. I actually rescind my apology."
Dex snorts. Vince chokes on a laugh.
"You never even said it," Marcus huffs. "You can't take it back." He grabs up his bag of food and bolts toward his hotel room.
Dex and I chuckle.
"Good job, Baby," Dex says, giving me a high five.
"What the hell are you congratulating her for?" Vince snorts. "Giving him PTSD about eating around pregnant women?"
I snort.
"Fuck no," Dex says, dipping his fries in ketchup and mustard. Gross. "She's teaching him a very important lesson."
"What kind of lesson?" Jude asks, raising his eyebrows.
"That you shouldn't be an asshole to someone just because they're too nice to call you on it," I say, taking a giant gulp of my shake. It's the perfect melty consistency to drink through the straw. "Kitten might have forgiven him, but he still needs to learn that not every woman is going to put up with his bullshit."
Dex shrugs. "He's owed a little torment for how he treated Kitten. Also, he's a fucking dick. He's lucky we're even willing to put up with his miserable ass."
"You're tormenting him on purpose?" Vince asks, smirking at me.
I nod, my eyes bouncing between Jude and Vince. "Once I'm done with him, he'll never take someone like Kitten for granted again."
They share a weird look before shaking their heads.
"Good point," Vince says, tossing his burger wrapper back in the bag. "I'm not judging. I'll never forget that shit he pulled, helping Sparks break up Lyric and Ryder St. James."
It's weird hearing him call Lyric anything other than 'the kid'.