Page 47 of No Omega Needed
"Ahh, yes," Daniel says, chuckling. "Tark took a liking to you."
Daniel told us all about the doll's history before having us walk the rope-lined path. Something about a failed exorcism and how the doll picks its victims.
No one else had the creepy doll follow it in the mirror.
Not until Love and I walked by.
Its freaky ass painted face sure did appear to tip, following us as we walked past the mirror. I love a good horror movie, but I do not want to live that shit in real life. Thanks, but no motherfucking thanks.
"You good, Baby?" Dex asks, walking back to the other side of the room and trying again. "Guess he's not into dudes."
"I'm good," Love mumbles against my chest.
"Moving on," Daniel says, guiding us into the final room. He keeps talking, but I'm focused on Love. She's wrapped around me and holding on for dear life. My pulse pounds as she clings to me.
She's so fucking pretty.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask.
She nods shakily. "Yeah, let's do this." Her face rests against my chest and one of her arms is around my back. She smiles a weak smile. "You'll keep me safe, right? I'm too pretty to die."
And funny. She's my dream girl.
Dexter cackles. "I'm gonna need to get in on this action," he says, wrapping his arm around my waist. He bumps up my shoulder so I'm holding him, too, except on the opposite side. "We all know I'm pretty for a dude. Gotta protect the genetics in case that baby is Issac's."
Love snorts. "Plan on knocking up some poor unsuspecting woman?"
Dexter's hand leaves my back, smacking Love's ass. "Not funny, Baby," he growls. "Try me again, and I'll get Daddy over here to spank your ass before we finish this tour."
"Wait, who's Daddy?" I ask, my eyes bouncing between Love and Dex. "Issac or Vince?"
"Vince," they say simultaneously.
"Obviously," Dex adds. "Dude, are you saying he doesn't give you Daddy vibes?"
"Yes." I grin, squeezing them both tight. "This is definitely becoming a thing."
Dexter smirks. "I guess you're all right, Grandma."
"On three?" Dex asks Love as we follow the tour guide.
She nods, and they count.
"Daddy," they say in unison.
Sure as fuck, Riggs spins around. The three of us lose it. I'm laughing so hard my abs ache.
Issac smirks over at Riggs.
"I think we're in trouble, man," Issac says to Riggs. "They're teaming up."
"Fuck, they sure do look like trouble. Don't they?" Riggs asks, grinning at Issac. "All right, come along children, or Daddy will have to dish out discipline."
"Ohmigod." Dexter claps. "Do I get to call you Daddy, too?"
"Um, no." Riggs shakes his head. "McKinley can call me Daddy whenever she wants, though." He winks.
Love actually misses a step. Luckily my hand on her hip is enough to right her.