Page 53 of No Omega Needed
Performing on the tour we did in Damian Sinclair's honor was cool, but I'm glad to be home.
On the other hand, I've got no idea why Jamen Jacobs wants us to work with Oakley Graves.
She's a cool chick and a great musician, but Matted Whine ain't broke. So why the fuck is he trying to fix it?
My eyes rake over Baby. She's big and pregnant withpossiblymy baby. Yet she's letting Riggs massage her back. And grinning up at something Jude fucking Walker said. I wouldn't mind if she showed me a little affection, too.
What the fuck? I never should have told her I loved her. It all went to shit after that.
My plan to make Baby claim me hasn't worked out just yet. I'm starting to think maybe she really doesn't want me.
I shake at the thought. No. Not possible. Baby cares about me. She's just hesitant toclaimme.
I've seen her literally lay a chick out for Issac. That lady probably really regretted trying to grab Issac's junk in front of Baby.
I'll never forget the way the security guard was holding her in the air like Superman while she kicked and screamed, trying to get at the grabby lady.
"Do you think just because you have a pussy instead of a cock that shit wasn't sexual assault?Becauseit was!" Baby yelled, trying to slap away the security guard.
I think Issac and I were both stuck staring with hearts in our eyes, because neither one of us moved an inch until the guy started to carry Baby off likeshewas the problem. I understand that fans all think they know us, but that shit isn't cool.
Hell if I know why she won't do the same for me.
Because she's got Issac. The dude she actually fucking loves. The stand up guy. The one with a good head on his shoulders. Not the fuck-up.
Fucking Issac. He's not a bad guy. He's one of the best people I know. Which is why it's so hard to love and hate him all at the same time.
Issac and I have been through it together. It's been a wild ride riding the highs and the lows of the music industry. All the way back to the beginning when we were running the streets as kids to finally fucking making something of ourselves. He's the reason we succeeded.
I didn't even want to take that meeting with Kitten and Saint. Issac pushed the issue and lo and behold, he was right. The album Saint and Sinner worked on for us was our big break album.
We had some local recognition, but nothing like how we blew up when we worked with "The Daughter of Rock".
Issac and I used to play these shitty rundown bars. Hell, we played anywhere they'd have us. We had a whole lot of nothing back then.
The last thing I need is to go back there, but my mind can't seem to help itself.
"Nah, dude. Turn around. There's a chick back there in a fancy car. We've got to make sure she's okay. If she's fine then we'll dip," I say to Issac.
"Seriously? She's probably trying to score," Issac grumbles. He sure as shit turns the truck around though.
It's the middle of the night. We drive through this area only because it saves us like ten minutes of drive time. We're both beat after a long night of work.
That chick shouldn't be in this area in that car, period. You don't mess around down here this late at night unless you're a banger or a crackhead. Even then, it's a gamble.
Literally, if someone runs out in the road and tries to get you to stop? You best swerve and keep on going. That's how they hit a lick on you.
"Body Like A Back Road" by Sam Hunt blares through the old speakers. I turn it down, keeping my eyes out for the woman.
"There," I say, pointing to the light illuminating the woman. She's digging around in her trunk.
What the fuck is she thinking? There's a group of like five guys only twenty or thirty yards away. You don't turn your back on anyone in this neighborhood.
Issac puts the truck between us and the lingering guys. We both pop out and approach the chick.
"Hey, are you all right?" Issac asks the woman. She's still bent over, digging in the trunk of her fancy little sports car. The curvy brunette jumps at the sound of his deep, growly tone. She spins around, eyes wide. She's absolutely fucking breathtaking. Her big blue eyes shine with tears in the low light. Her face is red. She's obviously been crying.
"Shit. You scared the damn hell out of me," she says in a thick Southern accent. It's a little crazy how deep her accent is, considering Issac and I have accents, too.