Page 55 of No Omega Needed
We're literally in an area I don't mess with after dark. Not if I'm alone. Issac is a big fucker. Not many people will mess with him. But me? I might be tall, but I'm skinny as fuck.
I've lived on these streets my whole life. I know where it's safe and where to avoid. That's the whole reason I made Issac stop.
"Anything you leave in that car will be gone by morning. If not sooner," Issac says, nodding to the car. "You can put it in the back of the truck." Issac nods over to Frank's old truck.
We've been cruising the streets in it since he gave it to Issac on his sixteenth birthday. It ain't pretty, but it gets us where we need to go.
She grimaces when she sees the monstrosity.
"Uh, I've got a lot," she says, frowning.
"We'll help," I say, grabbing the first thing I can and heading to the truck.
She frowns.
"We're good guys; you don't have to worry," I reassure her.
She continues to frown, glancing between us.
"I don't think our word is gonna give her much comfort at the moment," Issac says.
"Ever heard of Matted Whine?" I ask. We're local, but we've been getting noticed lately.
"Uh, yeah," Baby says, swallowing. Then her face breaks out into a wide smile. "Oh good Lord, I've heard all about you."
She laughs, a carefree sound that floats through the air, doing wild things to my stomach. I grin over at her.
"You went home with my friend Melissa and ended up hooking up with both her and her roommate before you left the next morning." She grins. "All right, at least you're probably not serial killers."
Issac chuckles darkly as he glares over at me.
I frown. Fuck. Just my luck. I already banged her friend.
"Man, what the hell?" Issac asks, rolling his eyes at me. "That ain't the shit I want our name recognized for."
I laugh, swiping a hand through the air.
"It happens," I say, shrugging.
"Seriously? You look at me, and think I scream serial killer?" Issac asks.
Baby grins over at him, shrugging. "Hell if I know." She bounces her eyes between us. "But if you kill me, I'm coming back to haunt your asses. You'll never get laid again without me standing over you, making obscene noises."
I grin because this chick is awesome.
"Oh, you'll give us background sex sounds?" I ask, continuing to tote shit to the truck.
"Hell no." She snorts. "We're talking the sounds you hear in the bathroom when you eat too many nuclear hot Buffalo wings. I'll do my best grandma voice and critique your performance. Tell you what a tiny dick you have. Hell, as a ghost I'll have a lot of time on my hands. I'm sure it'll only get worse from there."
Issac cracks up, covering his face with his hand. She turns to grab a bag out of the trunk and Issac catches my attention.
"Mine," he mouths the word.
My heart sinks.
Fuck. Why didn't I think of that?
"Dexter?" Oakley asks, stepping in front of me.