Page 6 of No Omega Needed
"No," she says, choking on a sob. "And then he was so shut down I don't think he heard anything else I was trying to say."
I nod. She's probably right. Dexter is sensitive, despite the act he puts on. He's actually quite fucking tender-hearted for a guy.I can say that because the fucker is my best damn friend; but just like in school, let someone else say anything of the sort and I'll lay their ass out.
"You should talk to him in the morning," I say, rubbing circles over her back.
Her head shakes no. "I told him what I needed from him. The ball is in his court. I won't settle for scraps of affection. I won't only be good enough when he's bored and there's no one new and shiny to distract him."
I frown down at her. "I don't think that's how he sees you," I tell her. "I think he loves you, too."
"Maybe," Love concedes. "I guess we'll see. We're headed to Florida. There'll be women in tiny bathing suits and… we'll see."
She sniffles, snuggling deeper into my chest. I wrap my arm around her back, holding her close. My other hand comes to rest on the baby belly. Babies are resilient, and so is Love. A little crying doesn't harm anything. But it still doesn't make me want to punch Dexter any less.
"Where the fuck have you been?" I growl at Dexter when he finally saunters in a few hours later.
Dex snorts. "You're not my mom. I don't get on your ass when you leave."
"That's how it is?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.
Dexter swipes a hand over his face. He's got a backwards ballcap on, and he looks a little too much like he did when we were kids. His bullshit mask of indifference fades away.
It sure didn't last long.
"Baby loves you, not me," he says, shaking his head. "It's cool. We're better off as friends anyway."
"She loves you," I say, staring him right in the eyes.
"Not like she loves you."
I shake my head, sighing. I'm not a fucking shrink. What the hell do you say to that? We've been together for four years.
"Doesn't mean she never will," I say, shrugging. "You two are best friends; I made my peace with that a long time ago. Love grows from different places. She has feelings for you, Dexter. Don't ruin what could be because you don't think you measure up."
The mask comes back in full force as Dex flips me off with both hands. "Fuck you, bro."
"Did you go out and fuck someone else to get back at Love?" I ask his back as he stomps out of the room. "I was willing to share, but that doesn't mean—" I purposely goad him, and it works.
Dex spins around, stomping back to get in my personal space. I raise an eyebrow as he glares at me. Dexter is one of the few people who can meet me at eye level.
"I should punch you in the face for even asking me that. I was at the goddamn park, trying to get my head to stop… doing what it always does." He snarls the words in my face. "Whether she loves me or not, I still fucking love her. It's the only time I've ever felt this in my life. Did I go fuck someone? Fuckyou. How about that?" Dex shakes his head, spinning and walking away.
I say the one thing I know will make it through his thick skull right now. Sure, Love and Dexter are stubborn, but they both know who's worse—me.
"All right, then. My offer to share her with you lasts until you fuck someone else. I'm not fucking playing with you, Dexter Langdon Clark. I find out you fucked around and stuck your dick in someone else and I will ensure you never touch Love again," I say, goading him. It works like waving a red cape at a bull.
Dex spins around again, even angrier. "She's pregnant with our baby. Tell me how you really feel. I can't even think about sticking my dick in anyone else. Fuck you for thinking so little of me. You really think I'd play around like that with not onlyherhealth, but thebaby's?"
Dexter doesn't get angry often. The fact his face is red and the veins on his neck and arms are popping out like they might burst is a good indicator that maybe I pushed his ass too far. Too bad.
"You've never been faithful to anyone before Love," I say, shrugging. Did I push him too far? Maybe. Am I going to back off? Nah. "You've been doing it for, what, a year now by my calculations?"
Dexter shakes his head. "Almost eighteen months."
I whistle. "I know you can be the guy she needs you to be. Prove me right."
Dexter points a finger at me. "Fuck you and your stupid mind games." He spins and manages to storm off.
Well that escalated quickly. Even for Dexter and me.