Page 67 of No Omega Needed
I probably should have been an adult and tried to talk to her after that night. My feelings were hurt and I was all over the place.
Issac's right.
I've been spiraling.
My arms frame Baby's head as I lean over her. She's studying my face and I'm trying to figure out how to say what I need to say.
"Hey," Riggs says, leaning against the door. "Don't mean to interrupt."
He's so full of shit. Yeah, just like I don't mean to interrupt every time I invite myself in with Baby and Issac.
He knows exactly what he's doing… ruining the moment. God, I hate that fucker. Seriously, we've got a mutual level of distaste for each other that isn't going anywhere in a hurry.
"Help me up, Dex?" Baby asks. "I just woke up and I need the restroom something fierce." She wiggles underneath me. "It's kinda becoming an emergency. Yeah, even as you smirk down at me."
She grumbles, making me laugh. I pull her up and she waddles off. She closes the bathroom door and my eyes fly to Riggs.
Riggs frowns at me, flips me off, and heads out the door.
What the fuck is that guy's problem?I've never been anything but nice to him. I'm friendly enough even when he's a giant dickwad. He and I need to have this shit out. Real fucking quick.
Chapter Nineteen
Vince Riggs
Stomping down the hallway, I fight the urge to turn around and lay the pretty boy out. I'm sure women think he's nice to look at. He's also as unreliable as they come. He's only going to hurt McKinley.
Walker steps out of his room, right as I'm about to go back and fuck up that punk. He takes one look at me, sniffs the air, and shoves me out into the living room.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Dexter fucking Clark. He's smooth-talking his way right back in with McKinley."
Walker sighs, folding his hands behind his head. He spins in a circle.
"Okay, this isn't a bad thing. Maybe he truly does want to change," Walker says, settling back against the wall. "She obviously has a soft spot for him."
"Yeah, he totally deserves a free pass after he spent the last few months sticking his dick in anything that moved?"
"Do you know that for a fact? Or are you speculating?" Walker asks, his brows furrow.
"Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?" I hiss.
"No, but you can be a judgmental dick from time to time." Walker grins. "Okay, like ninety-five percent of the time."
"You saw the same bullshit I did," I growl.
"Yeah," Walker says, nodding. "I saw a lot of flirting and a lot of Dexter putting on a show. To hurt Love or get her attention…" He pauses. "I can't pretend to know. Let's be real. You can't either. You're not inside his head. We spoke earlier. He seemed sincere when he said he hadn't been with anyone except Love in a long time."
"If you love someone, you don't fuck around," I hiss. "He's been flirting... He makes her fucking cry."
My hands clench and unclench. Fuck. I want to punch something. Or someone. Specifically a six-foot-four skinny rock star with chick hair and ridiculously long eyelashes.
"No, you shouldn't," Walker agrees. "Not everyone grew up with a decent family the way we did. Some people lack coping mechanisms. They never learned how to communicate their feelings." He gives me a look that says that the last line was about me. "Others have low self-esteem so they act out, seeking validation and attention."
"Fuck off," I growl. "Are you my psychiatrist now?"
"Fuck, no." Walker smirks. "You couldn't pay me enough to try to untangle that cluster-fuck of a mind you've got."