Page 82 of No Omega Needed
What a total piece of shit.
Love and Dex spent the night in jail when a couple of cops tried to force her to meet up with her father. That can't be legal activity for an officer of the law. I guess if you're high enough up in the food chain you can get away with a lot of unethical behavior.
"My father's whole campaign centers on conservative family values. Either one of you will look better to his voters. Hell, both of you together probably poll higher than me with either Dexter or Issac alone." Love snorts.
Riggs growls, jumping off the couch and pacing around the living room. "What a fucking dick."
"That he is," Love says, frowning at her lap. "I'm so sorry you guys got sucked into this mess."
"Stop," I say, taking the seat Vince vacated. "We're not upset. My mom has at least three magazine covers that claim I'm Lyric's new man or some other version of that. Granted, they are from a while ago. I imagine this'll make her entire week. She loves when her friends call with what they think is juicy gossip about my love life." I laugh, shaking my head. My mom is like no other.
Love snorts, covering her face with her hand.
"What about you?" she asks Vince. "Will your parents believe you have a very pregnant baby mama they've never heard of?"
"They've heard plenty about you," Vince grumbles, swiping a hand over his face. "Even if they hadn't, my parents would be thrilled if I had a pregnant girlfriend. They're convinced I'm going to die old and alone. At least that would give them hope."
"Good Lord." Love cackles. "No, don't make me laugh. I have to pee."
Vince is across the room in two large strides, pulling Love off the couch and into his chest.
"Brute. Give me some warning next time. I don't think you realize how close to having an accident I am at all times these days," Love grumbles, waddling off toward the bathroom. "I'm as dangerous as a sugared up toddler on an apple juice high with no pull-up on."
Vince has the same huge grin plastered to his face that I can feel written all over my own. She is exceptionally dangerous to a man's heart.
"Are you going to stand there like a weirdo or are you getting in?" Love asks, sitting on the step in the deep end that has jets blowing out.
We're flying back home tomorrow. The day has mostly consisted of relaxing. Love decided she was going for a dip in the pool. Vince is passed out on the couch. Love told us to bring swim trunks and I did, but honestly this is a terrible idea.
Love raises an eyebrow at me. Her tiny red and white bikini is the real MVP in this situation. It obviously fit her before she got pregnant, but it currently barely contains her giant breasts. The bottoms fared a little better… Although when she swayedher way to the pool I definitely got a nice view of the bottom of her ass.
I clear my throat, shaking my head. I slide into the water at her side. Thankfully the bubbles from the jets help to hide my erection. God, I'm fucking baffled at how guys do this shit all the time. It's awkward and uncomfortable. It's not like I can hide it in swim trunks.
Love has her dark hair clipped up on top of her head. She groans as she stretches back, resting her arms over the edge of the pool.
My cock is actually throbbing with a painful pulse that radiates in my knot. Biting my lip, I study her face. She's so peaceful, with those dark eyelashes resting against her cheeks.
I clear my throat and try to figure out how to say what I need to say. Fucking hell. I wish I had the easy confidence of Dexter Clark, or even the I don't give a fuck indifference of Riggs right now. Neither of them seem to particularly care about being embarrassed or being caught with a random boner. They've teased me relentlessly ever since my confession the other day.
Dex tried to convince me that it's a compliment to get a hard-on.
"Just tell her, dude. Women love that shit. She made your cock hard? So what? That's what they're supposed to do. You're attracted to her. That's great," Dex says, looking at me upside down.
"I'm not used to this," I hiss, swiping a hand over my face.
Dexter rolls his eyes. He's doing a damn forearm stand in the middle of the living room and he's rolling his eyes at me.
"Tell her that," Dexter says, chuckling. "She'll eat that shit up. Baby will cream her damn panties if you tell her you're practically a virgin. Add in all that other shit and she'll be climbing on your cock before you know it."
I eye him suspiciously. "Are you fucking with me right now?"
"Hell no." Dexter chuckles. He launches himself into the air doing a backflip and landing on his feet. It's actually kind of impressive. "Trust me. If you tell Baby all that, and you don't like her reaction…" He pauses. His face lights up. "You can punch me in the face and I won't even duck."
"You're up to something," I say, studying him.
Dexter grins. "Fuck no, dude. I'm doing you a solid. Trust me. Baby will pounce. You think she's with two kinky fuckers like me and Issac and she's normal? Hell no."
I frown but nod. I'm going to have to make a move some day. I also probably should be real about the truth of things. Fuck. That's gonna suck.