Page 92 of No Omega Needed
"Time for the pool," Dex says, swaggering his way across the living room and pulling me up. Biting his lip, Dex gives me a flirty wink. He spins me around and leads me out to the pool by my hips.
What the hell changed while I was in Tennessee for three days?
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Issac Matthews
Riggs and Walker drank themselves into oblivion over the course of the last couple hours.
"Dude," Dex says, chuckling, "I think they thought we were inviting them to an orgy."
We've floated around the pool for a while, but I think I'm about ready to get this night started.
"You see what this room looks like," Love says, frowning. "You knew you'd stress them out. I should have offered to get them a different room."
"Enough with all that," I say, pulling her to sit in my lap on the bench seat. She's facing Dexter, and her bikini-clad ass is right over my hard cock.
"They've got it bad, Baby." Dex smirks, floating in the water with his shoulders on the deck.
"Are you guys trying to get rid of me?" Love asks, grinning over her shoulder at me.
"Stop," I growl against her neck. "It sounds like they got plenty of attention while you were away. They could have joined, but what they don't get to do is keep you all to themselves."
I twist her head to mine and smash my lips to hers. One of these days I really am going to spank her ass for those bullshit comments.
Dexter slides over in front of Love and unties her suit. He pulls the cups down and I pull the string at her back. It was covering very little to begin with.
Did I pick that particular suit to torment Riggs and Walker? Possibly. They certainly don't seem to be fazed by the fact she's pregnant as hell.
Her tits are full and heavier than normal floating in the water. Her nipples are peaked and hard. My mouth waters, aching to get a hold of them.
"Let's take this inside," I tell them.
Dexter climbs out of the pool and offers Love a hand as she climbs the steps. Grabbing one of the towels off the chair, he wraps it around her back. He doesn't tie it, though. Instead he undoes each side of her bottoms letting the fabric fall to the ground with a wet plop.
Love stares up at Dex in confusion. Those two really need to have a conversation, but now probably isn't the best time.
"Do I get to watch?" Dex asks, tilting Love's face up to his.
Love gives him a shaky nod.
Dexter smirks at me. He drops his wet swim trunks on the deck before spinning to head into the room. He's quite fucking pleased as he walks through the door. It's pretty clear from the spring in his step.
There actually are shades you can lower to give the entire room privacy. Riggs and Walker were obviously too wasted to notice. I chuckle at the thought. Those two are definitely not used to kicking it with rock stars. Love and I have settled down a whole lot since she found out she was pregnant. Dex, too, except for his affection for coke.
Riggs and Walker both sure made a move on my chick when I wasn't around. Maybe I'm the intimidating one? Or they don't mesh with group sex? That would be so damn disappointing. I enjoy watching Love get stuffed full.
Love is all belly and tits as she offers Dex her towel. Guess I'm chopped liver tonight. Nah. I'm the one getting inside her tight little body. He can have her towel. I drop my trunks, grabbing one from the pile and drying off before I walk into the room.
Dex tosses the towel at the chair in the corner. He helps Love onto the bed and pulls her mouth to his for a thorough kiss.
"Mmm, now that's a dirty image," I murmur, climbing onto the bed beside Love. "You're getting big. How are you most comfortable?" I ask, kissing over her shoulder. She's kneeling in the middle between me and Dexter. My hard cock bumps her ass as I kiss over the column of her neck.
"Surprise me," she murmurs against Dexter's cheek. She's busy gulping air, trying to catch her breath. It's ridiculous how much room that kid is taking up.
Dex kisses his way down her front, licking each nipple into his mouth. His tattooed fingers dip down, testing her sex.
"Already so slick." Dex smirks. "This is your rodeo. I'm just here for the show."