Page 95 of No Omega Needed
I snort. "Yup. He's actually quite a good guy. Even if he says questionable shit from time to time."
"Thank you," Dex says with a nod. "See? I'm not even letting creepy Uncle Riggs shitty attitude get me down today. I got to come for the first time since Vegasfrom something other than porn." He points at Riggs. "You can't rain on my parade today."
Walker cracks up. "That pregnancy porn kink wasn't a throw-away comment?"
"Hell no," Dex says. "God, that belly, it's gotta be the whole primal breeding impulse thing. Baby pregnant… it just does it for me."
I nod. "Me too."
"Not even gonna lie," Riggs says, tossing his feet up on the coffee table. "I can't believe I'm agreeing with the two of you about anything."
My eyes fall to Walker. He blushes, but he nods.
Hell, look at that.
When Love's involved, apparently the four of uscanagree on something.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Baby Love McKinley
Icollapse on the couch, exhausted as hell.
"I think we can all agree, you officially don't need any more baby shit," Vince grumbles.
"Yeah," Dex agrees, tossing down a huge arm full of baby crap. "No more buying unless you're really missing something. Otherwise we won't have anywhere to put the actual baby."
Dex tosses himself down next to me on the sofa. Jude carries in even more stuff, carefully piling it next to the couch.
"Lyric bought you just about everything you could possibly need," Jude says, poking around in the boxes. "You've already got a crib, but yeah, she went a little over the top."
I laugh. "Don't blame poor Kitten. Didn't you read the labels? Ninety percent of that was from her guys…" I crack up, giving Jude a look that says "don't buy that bullshit".
"Where did you three disappear to?" Dex asks, quirking an eyebrow. "You, Issac, and Saint dipped out for a while."
"He was showing us the ring," Issac says, taking a seat on one of the club chairs. "He's going to ask Kitten to marry him. We were helping make plans."
I clap. "Yes, I'm so excited. We're taking her out to dinner Friday night so the guys can get set up."
"What?" Dexter asks, laughing. "You guys suck. I wanted to help plan the surprise."
"It just sort of happened," Issac rumbles. "Spend less time chatting up our new collaborating partner and you won't miss out."
"Dude, she wouldn't shut up. She kept following me around, talking about her drummer friend. Do I just have one of those faces where everyone feels like they can tell you all their problems?" Dex asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I guess so," Issac says. "Remember your advice for Saint from a few months back? I suggest you follow that." Issac looks at me. "I'm going to shower, join me?"
I nod, and Issac pulls me off the couch.
Issac's warm arms wrap tight around me as we stand around in Dave's bar.
One of his hands covers the majority of my lower back and the other guides my face to his. His lush lips taste like beer as his tongue swipes over mine.
My giant belly makes it hard to take deep breaths. As I pull back, I'm gasping for air. Issac laughs, leaning over to kiss my forehead.
"Love you." Issac smirks. "Kitten's gonna freak."
"I know." I grin. "I'm so damn happy for them. I bet Saint's sweating bullets."