Page 98 of No Omega Needed
"From what I'm told, it's a very up and coming area," Jamen says. "The old arena is in shambles. I was able to buy it at a fraction of the cost."
Dex and I look at each other in pure fucking confusion.
"They have no idea what's going on," Rook says, taking over. "Let me try. Lyric's dream is to start a children's charity that promotes music and the arts. Lots of charities do that, but she has the money to funnel into it and she needs something to do." Rook shrugs. "So we're making that happen."
Rook points to several pictures of a complex of buildings being built. "The charity is going in here." He points to an area not far. "This is the old arena; it's already been demolished and they're starting on the new construction sometime this month." He points again. "This is the building the Colorado office of Ruined Records is going into." He points a little ways outsideof town. According to the map, I'd say it's in the foothills of the mountains. "This is where we both bought houses."
Dex and I exchange a frown.
"We're taking Lyric to see it this week," Rook says. "We're relocating to Colorado." He frowns. "As long as Lyric doesn't hate it. God, that would fucking suck."
"You want us out of the penthouse?" I ask, trying to put this shit together.
"God, no," Jamen laughs. "You're having a baby in, what, a month or two?"
"Under two," Dex says, studying the pictures. "Women technically go to the very beginning of the tenth month; isn't it crazy they call it nine months pregnant? That shit blows me away, but yeah she's, like, thirty-five weeks."
Rook raises an eyebrow like he's impressed Dexter actually knew that. Everyone underestimates him. It's fucking sad, but he uses it to his advantage.
"Right, you probably don't want to move right before the baby is born," Rook says, nodding. "I wanted to try to get with you at the baby shower, but it didn't work out. Then there was the whole proposal and it wasn't the right time either."
"They're so fucking confused," Jamen says, laughing. "We're terrible at this."
"Lyric is very attached to you guys," Rook says, catching our eyes. "The bond…" He pauses. "It's clear how much you mean to her. I know you guys relocated down here only a few months ago. I'm sure some of that was you keeping an eye on Lyric for Saint, right?"
"Right," I say.
At the same time Dexter says, "We all care about Kitten. She's part of the family. We would have done it with or without St. James asking."
"Exactly," I add.
"That means a lot to all of us," Rook says. "Listen, we've taken the long way around our ass to get to our elbow, but the point is, you're part of the family now, too."
"I know we left you some leeway in your contract for after the baby is born, but at some point you'll eventually go back on tour," Jamen says, leaning forward. He shoves a few printed pages at us. "Sheena and I bought in this neighborhood. Rook and the guys picked up one of the other houses. There are six other houses available for immediate purchase."
Dexter hands me half the papers. I start flipping through the pictures.
"If you want to be based out of Colorado." Jamen shrugs. "It's up to you. I'm eventually going to have my own venue where I'll be running shows exclusive to the label."
"Lyric is going to work with Saint and Crew to write music for some of the up and coming bands we sign," Rook says, then shrugs. "That's our hope anyway. If all she wants to do is work at the children's charity then that works, too. We want to have an outreach program where we bring in musicians and artists to work with the kids. Saint pointed out the other side of the arts is quite literally art and that Love is a painter?"
"She is," I say, still mindlessly checking out the massive fucking mansions in the pictures.
"Right, if she wants to donate time she'd have Sheena and Lyric close by." Rook shrugs. "Or she can do her own thing, but once you guys have that baby I'm betting she's not going to travel with you. Not like she did before."
"Yeah," Dex agrees, swapping the pictures in my hand for the ones he was looking at. "We could base out of Colorado, that's what you're saying?"
"Exactly," Jamen agrees. "You can stay in Florida or head back to Tennessee. We didn't want to slap you with the news second or third-hand."
"And once you open your venue you're going to be doing crossover shows like we did on the mini-tour?" I ask, leaning forward.
"Now you're catching on," Jamen says, smirking. "That's the plan. Considering Rook is half ready to retire while still in his twenties, I think it'll be a good solution for all involved."
"Ruin is done?" Dex asks, his eyes bouncing up.
"Nah," Rook says, pulling his hair up in a tie. "Mostly we don't want that killer traveling schedule anymore. Lachlan and I especially are having a hard time imagining life without performing, but we want a steady home base. Lyric loves you guys, so like my dad said we didn't want to catch you off guard.”
"The houses are going pretty fast," Jamen says, grabbing up all the pictures. "There's no pressure. It won't change anything with your contracts, and no hard feelings if you want to stay in Florida."