Page 26 of Grump's Nanny
Ipulled on a pair of boots that would be easy enough to take off in a fitting room as I got ready to go shopping with Anna. I hadn’t exactly brought a plethora of dresses with me to my physical therapy “retreat,” and James had offered to pay for me to buy one, and I’m not one to turn down free shopping.
As I finished getting dressed, I called Max. “Hey,” he answered cheerfully.
“Hey,” I said back, smiling even though he couldn’t see it. It was good to hear his voice. After spending almost every day together since my accident, I had really gotten used to his presence, which made the last couple weeks, when I hadn’t seen much of him, a little difficult. “How are things over at Brother Bears?”
“The usual,” he said, though I thought there was something off about the way he said it that made me question whetherthere was something more to it. “How about over there? Getting settled in any better?”
“I guess,” I said, holding a dress up in front of myself in the mirror before tossing it onto a pile with a couple others.
“You sound kind of unsure. Everything okay?” he asked.
“Um… I think so,” I replied. “James invited me to some party he’s having.”
I could hear a symphony’s worth of jealous notes in that one single syllable, and it made me laugh. “It’s not like that,” I said. “He said I could bring a guest, so I was calling to see if you wanted to come. It’s tomorrow night. You in?”
“Hell, yeah!” Max said, and the genuine delight in his voice made me giggle. It was one of the things I liked most about him–his enthusiasm for life and ability to see the good in most situations. “What kind of dress code are we talking? Is it a little more casual, or is it ‘Ask Uncle Kevin for a new tux’ level formal?”
“Somewhere in the middle?” I said with a laugh. “It’s a cocktail party, so probably–”
“Dress shirt, tie, slacks, and loafers. Got it,” he said.
“You know the drill.”
“Any particular colors I should aim for?”
I loved how Max had enough experience with big events like this that he understood what was expected, especially in regards to making sure he coordinated with his date.
“I don’t know yet, to be honest,” I said as I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail. “Anna’s coming to get me in, like, fifteen minutes, and we’re going shopping. Apparently, I’m getting a dress as a bonus. James offered to pay for it since I don’t have anything to wear.”
“That’s nice of him,” Max said, that same tone coming back.
“Do I need to convince you that I’m all yours?” I asked, lowering my voice in a hopefully sultry way.
There was a pause on the end where I could practically hear Max having to adjust his pants. Good. It worked.
“What exactly did you have in mind?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I said, taking my top back off and aiming my camera at my tits. They were one of my best features, if I did say so myself, and I knew that Max had a similar opinion. I sent the picture to him and waited.
“Hales?” he said when I was silent for a moment. “What are–hang on, I have a… oh…”
“Something wrong?” I asked.
“Not a single… damn… thing…” he said slowly, his voice strained just slightly, and I knew him well enough to know he was already unzipping his pants and reaching into them.
“No?” I said innocently. I typed out a message that said,Hey big boy. Wanna chat with me instead of your lame-ass girlfriend? I’ve got about fifteen minutes to play…Then I followed it up by saying, “Well, I should probably let you go then.”
“Oh, yeah,” he said, the tension in his voice visceral and raw. “Yeah, we should…. Hang up…” I could hear his breathing speeding up and getting shallow, and I knew he’d already gone to work on himself. Seconds later, I got a message from him saying,Hell yes. You got more for me?
I laughed out loud and heard him chuckle back at me. We loved this game–roleplaying like we were other people. It was fun and just a little bit spicy–something to keep things fresh.
“Well, okay then. I’ll text you later.”
“No rush,” he said, and I knew that to mean,Please, text back immediately.
We hung up, and I immediately began to fondle my nipple with one hand while typing out a message to Max with the other.