Page 37 of Grump's Nanny
“I really like you, Haley,” he said, and I felt my heart sink at the tone. “But… but this is too big of an opportunity to pass up, and with you training for the Olympics and working here… I just don’t think either of us will have the time or energy for long distance. I’m sorry.”
I sat there, mouth agape as I listened to Max break up with me. He was the first boyfriend I’d had in a long time, and the best one by far, and now he was leaving. Not just leaving me, but leaving the whole damn continent.
“So, this is just… over?” I asked.
“We can stay friends,” he said. “I’d love to be able to cheer you on from afar at the Olympics, but I just don’t think a long-distance relationship would be good for either of us right now.”
The rest of the meal went by mostly in silence, and when it was over, I stood up and left without saying goodbye. It was shitty, I knew, given how he had the balls to break up with me in person, unlike how a lot of guys would. I had a guy who broke up with me once by posting it publicly on Facebook.
Breaking up with Haley. Who wants a piece of my fresh, single meat?
Max was a good guy, and I’d known it all along. I’d felt really lucky to be with him, but there was a nagging in the back of my mind.
How happywereyou if you wanted to kiss James so bad?
The rest of the day went by in a daze as I absorbed the fact that my relationship with Max was really over. I picked the kids up from school, and I did my best to engage with them, but I could feel how hard I was having to fake it..
Leann immediately went and sat down on the couch and grabbed the Nintendo. Katie started to follow her, but I put a hand on her shoulder. “Uh, uh, uh,” I said, waving for Leann to pay attention. As usual, it took her a little too long to finally acknowledge my presence. “No video games until we finish our homework and our extra assignment for the day.”
Leann made a high-pitched noise under her breath like she was mimicking what I was saying, and I cleared my throat, only to be met with rolling eyes.
Oh, boy, I did not have the patience for that today.
“Is there something you’d like to say, Leann?” I asked her.
“Nope,” she said in a startlingly cheerful voice, but her expression was sarcastic in a way I didn’t know a nine-year-old could manage.
“Good,” I said, deciding to let it drop in favor of peace. “Now, everyone to the table and show me what you’re working on.”
I helped the younger kids through their homework, showing Ben how to do multiplication and helping Katie draw the letter “q.”
Once they were done, I pulled out the assignment they had for today.
“Great news, guys,” I said, feeling relieved. “We have a fun assignment today.” I went to the cupboard and pulled out the supplies we needed. “Today, we’re going to fingerpaint! And each of you is going to draw me something different that relates to your day.”
I walked around them as they painted, but Leann kept covering hers, saying I’d have to wait for it to be finished. When they all were finally done, I walked to each of their easels. Katie had drawn me a butterfly she said she saw after lunch when they played outside. She’d used shades of orange along with black.
“Wow, Katie,” I said. “That’s great. Good job!”
She beamed at me, then blew on the picture before reaching up to touch the image.
“It’s still wet,” she complained.
“Don’t worry,” I told her. “We’ll hang it up to dry. Sound good?”
She nodded, then went over to the Nintendo and picked it up.
“Hey!” Leann shouted at her. “That’s not fair! She’s taking first player.”
I looked over at Leann. “Don’t you usually get to be first player?” I asked, knowing full well the answer.
“So?” she demanded, crossing her arms and standing in front of her easel so I still couldn’t see.
“So, that seems pretty fair to me. Do you want to show me what you painted?” I asked, hoping she’d appreciate me going to her next, but she simply glared at me.
“No, thank you,” she said flippantly. It was clear she wanted me to insist, but I wasn’t going to give in.