Page 234 of Final Offer
Cal made an offer on his own house? Why would he do that?
The room spins around me as I try to wrap my head around what the hell is going on.
Lorenzo’s eye twitches. “You’re insane to pay that much on a place like this.”
Cal lifts a shoulder. “We do crazy things for the people we love.”
Lorenzo’s upper lip curls. “Let’s pray I never find out.” He tips his head in my direction. “Good day, Ms. Castillo. Wish you two the best of luck with this endeavor because you’re going to need it.”
He waltzes out of the room, taking his air of superiority with him.
“Asshole,” I say.
“Couldn’t agree more,” Cal grumbles. “I never thought he would leave.”
I turn to face him. “What the hell is going on, and why are you putting an offer on a house you own?”
Cal’s smile wavers. “Because I’m not the one buying the house.”
“I’m speaking on behalf of a trust.”
“What trust?”
“The one I made for our future kids.”
The air whooshes out of me. “You opened a trust for ourfuture kids?” I choke on the last two words.
I reach out for the fireplace mantle to stop myself from keeling over. “But why?”
“Because I wanted to prove to you that the inheritance means nothing to me personally.”
Oh. My. God.
“How much is in the trust, Cal?”
He hesitates. “Does it matter?”
I shoot him a look.
He doesn’t hesitate as he says, “Twenty-six billion once we sell the house.”
“To Cami and whatever hypothetical children you think we are having one day.”
“To theirtrust. It’s a whole complicated legal loophole, but it works. Grandpa’s lawyer and I sorted it all out.”
My knees give out, but Cal wraps an arm around me before I crash to the floor.
“Twenty. Six. Billion. Dollars.” I pinch my arm, wince at the pain, before repeating the same move again.
Cal swats my hand away and rubs at the red spot. “They won’t have access to the whole thing all at once.”
“Well, that’s a relief. I was worried what might happen if the kids had the urge to blow through twenty-six billion dollars on a whim.”
His eyes narrow. “I can’t get a good read on how you feel about all of this.”