Page 27 of Final Offer
Leo pauses for a moment before speaking up. “That being said…”
Oh no.
“If you insist on keeping the house despite Callahan’s interest in selling the property, then you will have to buy him out of his percentage of the house.”
After my phone call with the lawyer, I sent Delilah and Violet a message requesting an emergency girls’ night. Both of them arrive at my house that evening armed with snacks and skincare supplies like a little food and self-care can solve all my woes. Violet even went out of her way to get some Bon Bon Bums, my dentist’s archenemy and my favorite candy.
I run upstairs to check on Cami and make sure she is asleep. My heart squeezes at the sight of her sleeping soundly, her favorite stuffed lamb crushed beneath both of her arms. I still remember the social worker who gave it to her. Cami was only an infant, so she doesn’t remember, but I do. It was the same day I returned to Michigan with a baby in my arms and a new purpose in my life.
Before shutting off Cami’s light, I brush the hair out of her eyes and kiss her forehead.“Buenas noches, mi amorcito.”
I return to the living room, finding Violet and Delilah already settled into their usual sides of the huge sectional.
Violet plucks my favorite lollipop from the bag and throws it at me. “Here. To take the edge off.”
I rip off the wrapper and pop it into my mouth. “Thanks. I needed this.”
“Are you sure you don’t want any alcohol? I can make a liquor store run and be back in ten minutes.” Violet sifts through the bag of Bon Bons for her favorite flavor.
Delilah launches a pillow directly at Violet’s face, messing up her blond curls. “You know she doesn’t drink.”
I haven’t had a drop of alcohol in over ten years, ever since Cal went to rehab right before I turned eighteen. At first, it was to support him and his promise to remain sober. I never cared about drinking, and if not doing so helped him, I was all for it.
When he left six years ago, I tried to drink. I even went out and bought a bottle of the most expensive white wine I could find with every intention to break my pledge. To betray him like he did me. The plan seemed solid at the time, given the state of my emotions. Turns out I was so distraught, I didn’t even think about buying a corkscrew. My one and only attempt to drink was squashed quickly, and I vowed to never try again.
Violet huffs. “I was joking!”
Delilah’s brown eyes roll. “No wonder your stand-up comedy career tanked.”
“It’s not my fault no one in this town appreciated my brand of humor. The median age around here dates back to the Jurassic period.”
Delilah and I both break out into laughter. Lake Wisteria might lean more toward an older crowd, but there are plenty of young people living here now that the town has gained popularity amongst people from Chicago who are searching for an easier pace of life.
Delilah places a dark piece of hair behind her ear. “So, what’s the emergency meeting about?”
I give Delilah and Violet a basic rundown of the situation. They remain quiet, although there are different times when Violet’s hazel eyes widen or Delilah’s frown becomes more pronounced on her face.
Violet plucks the lollipop from her mouth to say, “Holy shit.”
“I know.”
“What are you going to do?” Delilah tucks her long tan legs underneath her.
“Isn’t that the million-dollar question?”
“Or two million, given how much this house is probably worth.” Violet gestures around the room with her half-eaten lollipop.
“You’re really thinking about selling it?” Delilah’s dark brows rise.
I drop on to the couch with a heavy sigh. “I don’t think I have much of a choice.”
Violet snorts. “Why? Because Malibu Ken said so?”
I shoot her a look. “He owns half the house, whether I like it or not.”
“But so do you.”