Page 4 of Final Offer
No. That’s not possible.“I’m calling his lawyer right now so we can clear this all up.” I move toward the stairs, desperate to go upstairs and grab my phone.
Cal checks his fancy watch. “It’s almost midnight. I doubt Leo would answer a call at this time.”
I curse underneath my breath.
He tucks his hands into his pockets. “I’ll contact him in the morning so we can sort this out before the realtor stops by.”
“What realtor?”
“The one I hired to help me sell the house.”
“Exactly what part of ‘I’m not selling my house’ are you not understanding?”
“The fact that you’re referring to the house as yours to begin with.”
My fingers curl into themselves, forming two tight fists to prevent myself from wrapping them around his thick neck.
His eyes drop to my clenched hands before returning to my face. “I think until we get a valid explanation from the lawyer, we should table this. It’s late and we’re getting nowhere.” The front door creaks as he opens it.
“Wait.” I hold out my hand. “Give me your key.”
He ignores me as he drags his luggage inside. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Well, you’re sure as hell not staying here,” I sputter.
“Where do you expect me to go?”
“The motel off Main Street probably has a vacant room, plus they have Wi-Fi and colored TV now.”
His lips part. “You can’t be serious. They caught a serial killer there once.”
My eyes roll. “He didn’t actually commit any murders on the property.”
“Oh, that makes it all better then.”
“Mommy, who’s that?” Camila calls from the top of the stairs. Her wide blue eyes check Cal out before her gaze swings back to mine.
I wave her off without thinking anything of it. “Nobody important. Go back to bed, please.”
Cal’s wide eyes shift from Cami to me. “Who the fuck is that, and why is she calling youMommy?”
“Don’t curse in front of my kid.” My whisper comes out more like a hiss.
“Kid? How old is she?” Cal trips over his feet in an attempt to get away from me, although he is quick to regain his balance.
“Five!” Cami holds up her hand like she is waiting for someone to high-five her.
All the color drains from his face as he reaches for the wall. “Five. That’s—She’s—We—”
“It’s not—” My response is cut off as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
His legs give out from underneath him, and his body falls forward.
“Shit!” I reach for him.
Our limbs tangle as we both go down. My breath is knocked out of me as I slam into the worn hardwood floor. Cal’s head smashes against my stomach, which hurts more than expected but softens his fall. I’m not able to catch his head in time before it rolls off my lap and smacks against the floor. Cal doesn’t wince as he lies on the floor, completely unconscious.
“Fuck. That’s going to hurt.” I roll his limp body back toward me before lifting his head onto my lap.