Page 69 of Final Offer
I pull out my phone to check Zahra’s list, only to remember I already bought all the books she recommended. “Huh.” My brows pinch together. “Do you have any recommendations?”
Her brows furrow. “For you?”
I look around the empty shop.
“Are you looking for something similar to what you read last time?” she asks.
“Or whatever you recommend.”
Her eyes brighten for the first time ever. “Really?”
“Sure? Just don’t set me up with something shitty because you don’t like me.”
Her cackle doesn’t exactly make me feel warm and fuzzy, but my uneasiness fades away as she bounces around the store with a smile while throwing books at me until the stack surpasses the top of my head.
She motions me toward the counter. “That should keep you busy for some time.”
“Or a week,” I mutter underneath my breath.
“You know if you have a lot of time on your hands, I heard the team in charge of the Strawberry Festival is still searching for volunteers.”
“To do what?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know, but if you’re interested, you can stop by Town Hall and sign up.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” I tuck my hands into my pockets.
She raises a brow. “What’s the worst that can happen? The town actually has a reason to start liking you again?”
Well, when she puts it that way…
I would rather spend the rest of my weeks at Lake Wisteria without the town going out of their way to make my stay miserable, so if it means volunteering for a weekend, then so be it. What could possibly go wrong?
Ishould have known today was going to be a bad day when one of my kids’ parents nearly brought me to tears after ripping into me during a meeting to discuss their child failing my class. Then two of my students got caught skipping school during my period.
All it takes is a certain number calling me to push me straight over the edge and directly into meltdown territory. I consider ignoring my sister’s call, but my guilty conscience doesn’t let me.
I’m great at establishing boundaries for everyone in my lifebutmy sister. It’s a massive issue she exploits, and the reason I spent a large chunk of the inheritance Brady left me trying to save her from self-destructing.
The phone vibrates in my hand.
Just get it over with.
I lock the door to my classroom before answering the phone. “Hello.”
“Alana!” My sister’s overly excited voice makes my speaker crackle.
“Antonella.” I keep my tone flat despite my escalating pulse.
“I’ve missed you. How are you?”
She laughs. “Of course. How’s your job going at the school?”
“Same old, same old.”
“And Cami?”