Page 26 of Auctioned Wolf
Emma charged at him again, swinging for his neck. Garret ducked low, looking to hit her with his fire breath, but Emma quickly countered by grabbing his jaw, shoving it upward. The fire forced its way out of his lips and teeth, causing Garret to growl in pain before shoving her off. Emma turned to get to her feet, but she was knocked down by a powerful slash across her cheek, cutting deep into her face.
Stunned, she looked up to see Garret on top of her. Emma quickly slashed at the hole in his gut, the one opened by Conan. Just as he raised his hand to strike, three slashes appeared underneath his arm. Emma shoved him off of her, rolling to the side to catch a breath.
Garret realized that Sly had joined the fight again, seeing her on the far end of the corridor. “I grow tired of this!”
Emma watched as he opened a portal, bringing another handful of his demons to Earth. Hunt called out to Emma from behind.
“Emma,” Hunt said, out of breath.
“We got this,” Emma reassured him, seeing how weakened he was. “Head down the corridor, we can get you off to the—”
“Look out!” Hunt yelled.
Emma barely had time to turn around. Garret kicked her from behind, sending her into Hunt. They both crashed into the same pipes that Conan had hit only a few moments before. As Emma tried to get to her feet, Garret drove a knee into the side of her head, forcing her skull into the pipe.
Garret turned away, seeing Hunt’s blade on the floor. He chuckled, walking over to the weapon. “You should get to know what this feels like.” Garret picked up the weapon, brandishing it under the light. “But don’t worry, I’ll send the others your way.”
Emma tried to get to her feet, but she was too tired. She was beaten badly, and had nothing left in her. As Garret walked up to her, Hunt got to his feet, putting himself between Emma and Garret. He turned to her, smiling. “Emma, get out of here.”
“Hunt,” Emma said weakly. “No…”
Garret chuckled. “What are you…Is this love?”
“It’s me trying to stop you,” Hunt said weakly, bringing up his hands.
“You can’t,” Garret replied.
“Maybe,” said Hunt, holding up the bag, and pointing his palm at it. “But at least I can stop you from getting this.”
“What are you…” Emma cried, shaking her head as Hunt fired energy through the bag, destroying the contents.
Garret raised an eyebrow. “You destroyed the map.”
“And the ritual,” Hunt continued.
“You destroyed the one thing that was stopping me from reducing you to nothing,” said Garret, bringing up his hand with the bracelet. “Any last words?”
Emma saw Hunt move his body to stand directly between Garret and her. But Emma knew it wasn’t going to work. The blast from the bracelet would make quick work of him, and it would kill her too. Seeing Hunt willing to sacrifice himself for her made tears run down her cheeks.
“Hunt,” Emma cried weakly, trying to move. “No…”
Hunt took off his jacket and tossed it to the side, holding up his hands in a fighting stance. “Bring it on!”
Garret fired.
“No!” Emma yelled, closing her eyes as the green energy rushed toward them.
Hunt let out a heart-wrenching yell as the wave of energy washed over him. Emma watched, stunned that it didn’t go through him. She watched as Hunt spread his hands wider, showing the portal that he had created. He was doing the same move he had done before, taking the energy of the blow and channeling it somewhere else.
“You Hunters were always troublesome,” Garret growled.
He swung the blade, looking to attack Hunt. Emma forced herself to her feet, drawing on the last of her strength. She put herself between Hunt and the blade, getting run through by the weapon. Instantly the pain burst through her guts as it sliced deeper into her.
Her knees trembled, nearly resulting in her falling to the ground. Emma grabbed Garret with both hands, allowing the pain to drive her. She spun around, throwing Garret through theportal Hunt had created. Just as he went through, Hunt brought his hands together, closing the portal.
Hunt fell to the ground, his fingertips charred black and smoking from the portal. He had used the talisman again, hurting himself even more in the process.
“Hunt!” Emma yelled, crying from the pain of the sword still inside her. She reached for it, gritting her teeth as she yanked it out. Emma dropped to the floor, writhing in pain.