Page 7 of Auctioned Wolf
“You’re standing side by side with a Hunter, choosing to protect him? Sometimes I wonder just what is wrong with you Werewolves.”
Emma froze, turning around to take another look at Hunt. It dawned on her, hitting her like a bullet. The aura of magic, the scars, the ability to open portals across space. He was a Hunter, and while he had saved her life, he was still the same as Caspian. He was the type of man who killed her kind without a second of hesitation.
Garret saw her dilemma and used the chance to strike, sending the creatures right at Emma. Before she could move, Hunt threw something over her shoulder, and a second later it exploded into large plumes of dust. Emma quickly backed off, having learned from her experience fighting other Hunters.
Hunt pointed a finger at the dust, sending a single spark into it, right as the creatures made contact with it. It exploded, killing some of the creatures. Garret leaped through the smoke,throwing a blow right at Emma. She ducked low, rolling out of the way of the attack.
Garret slammed into the wall, his fist cracking into it. He turned around instantly, kicking Emma right in the back. She fell forward before turning around to stop one of the creatures. It threw itself right on her, trying to slash at her face. Emma grabbed the creature’s hands and pulled apart as hard as she could, ripping it in half.
As she got to her feet, Garret threw another punch. Emma brought her hands up just in time to block the attack. She felt her bones fracture from the impact, causing her to stagger backward. Garret parted his lips and let out a tongue of fire, aimed right at her.
Before it hit her, Hunt threw a small blade at one of the pipes directly above her. It sliced into a high-pressure pipe, spraying water into the cavern and nullifying the flames. Garret rushed through the steam, trying to find them. Emma took her chance and snuck up on him from behind, slicing into his back with her claws.
Garret turned around, throwing a blow in the dark but missing. Hunt rushed at him, placing a flat palm against his back. He sent a blast of lightning through Garret, stunning the Dragon and bringing him down to a knee. Emma rushed in, driving her knee into the side of his skull.
Garret released a wave of energy from his bracelet, forcing the vapor out of the way. The energy threw Hunt to the ground, and forced Emma backward. Garret got to his feet, looking back to see the creatures waiting behind him. He raised his arm, drawing energy to the bracelet.
“I’m done with this!” Garret yelled.
“No!” Hunt rushed between Emma and Garret, bringing his hands together to create a portal.
Garret fired at them, just as the portal opened. The rift was forced backward, falling over Emma and Hunt. Emma felt her body grow electrified as she went through the portal, feeling a wave of nausea come over her as she appeared on the other side of the portal.
“Shit!” Hunt yelled, pulling a talisman from inside his jacket. It was a small metal trinket with a few runes and charms on it. It glowed a dull red, smoking as Hunt threw it off. “God dammit!”
Emma looked around, trying to figure out where they were. The portal had taken them away from Garret, and as she listened, she realized that they were far away from any other people. All she could hear were the sounds of water in pipes and distant clicking from all around the sewer.
She turned to face the Hunter, seeing him staring at his fingertips which the talisman had burned. The energy from Garret’s attack had destroyed it. Considering that he was a Hunter, Emma knew that it was only a matter of time before he would turn on her.
“What are you doing?” he asked, looking up at her.
Emma growled as she locked her eyes on the Hunter. It was kill or be killed, and she wasn’t going to let the man get the upper hand. He had been injured in the fight against Garret, and this was her chance to finish him off. “You’re a Hunter, I’m putting you down.”
Emma dashed right at him, swinging her clawed hand at his throat.
Chapter 4 - Hunt
Hunt fell backward, with only milliseconds to dodge the attack. Emma’s strike moved over him, missing him by a hair. She drove a boot into him, sending him flying backward. He rolled on his back to shake off the force of the impact before getting back on his feet.
“You don’t want to do that,” Hunt said quietly, knowing he could kill her if he put his mind to it.
“I do,” Emma replied.
As she took a step toward him, Hunt recalled the reason he had taken it upon himself to become the best of the best. He had lost his own parents to paranormal creatures. He had been forced to pick up their bodies, left in bits and pieces all over the floor, with guts and limbs hanging all around.
Hunt had been hurt so many times by paranormals. He had thought killing them all would help him grieve. But after so many deaths, Hunt still felt empty. Nothing was going to bring his family back. But now, he was face-to-face with a Werewolf that was looking to kill him. He had to protect himself, and if it came down to it, he would have to kill her.
He reached into his jacket, pulling out a short katana and swinging it around. Emma dashed at him and Hunt twisted the blade, slicing across her cheek and forearm. The blade cut deep and clean, leaving a long line on her skin. Emma recoiled and jumped backward, feeling the pain from the weapon.
“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Hunt asked, brandishing the weapon so she could see. “It’s custom made, it’ll cut into any paranormal, and it ups the pain you feel tenfold. I can kill you, if I want to. But that was a warning. If you attack me again, I’ll cut your head off.”
Emma looked down at her wounds, and Hunt watched as they healed shut. The Werewolf was skilled and very fast. He had only managed to dodge the last attack because he moved first. Now that she knew about the blade, she would do her best to avoid it while hitting him. It was what he hoped for, and that would give him the opening he needed.
“You’re dead!” Emma said, breathlessly.
She dashed to the left, and then to the right, trying to throw Hunt off of the direction she would attack from. Hunt pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it down at the ground, creating a wall of dark smoke between them. He waited to see if she would come through the smoke, giving him a chance to one-shot her neck with the weapon, cutting her head clean off.