Page 19 of Guarded Deputy
“It might be some type of firewall or block that the school has set up.”
“You know, you may be onto something. If this gig doesn’t work out, you can get a job with computers.”
“This gig?” He stares at me with furrowed brows.
“I guess I also need to brush up on my joke-telling skills.” I grin.
“That would be a good idea.” He nods.
“Well, I gotta go. These tests aren’t gonna grade themselves. See ya, Deputy Nate.”
“Yup, I’ll be working at the school for the rest of the school year to run a program to train children on safety, so I’ll see you then.”
“Whaa-?” My eyes bug out as I stare at him.
Does this mean I’ll have more chances to make a fool of myself?
“Didn’t they tell you?” He tilts his head.
“No.” I cross my arms.
“I’ll be working with your class. I double checked because of Walker.”
“Right.” I nod, heart stammering.
Just when I think I may not have as many interactions with him after this ticket fiasco, andbam!He’ll be at school.
“Anyway, I gotta go for real this time.” I wave at him over my shoulder as I walk out of the station.
Once I’m outside, I take a deep breath and close my eyes. Why in the hell did I act like a fool in front of him? It’s like being in his presence makes me say stupid things that make no sense. Even when I repeat them in my head they sound dumb.
And now the odds of not seeing him for a while are slim with his new position. Not that it’s possible to really avoid someone when you live in a small town.
I just pray that the next time I run into him I’m less mesmerized by his good looks and more attentive to the words coming out of my mouth.
I’ve never been one to get captivated by only the physical aspect of a person. I’m deeper than that. There’s more to someone than the way they look, and I’ll remind myself of that the next time he crosses my path again.
Good looks fade, but a kind heart is forever.
Heading home, I make sure to stay within the speed limit and turn up the music. There’s nothing a little George Strait can’t cure. All my exes don’t live in Texas, but a certain hottie is from there.
I shouldn’t be thinking about him at all. My priority should be my career, the new chapter I hope to open this fall when I go back to school, not some guy I know nothing about who strolled into town. My heart is closed for business. It’s seen enough heartache that it’s gone bankrupt.
Chapter 6
“UncleNate,myteachertold me today that you’re gonna be in my class.” Walker hops on one foot in the living room, back to counting how many hops he can do without stopping.
“Not just your class, but a few others.” I don’t want him to think I’ll be present all day every day.
From the meetings I’ve had and the training program, I’ll visit each class once a week for an hour, two days in the high school and three in the elementary and middle school. The times I’m not in the classrooms, I’ll be security and offering safety support to the staff.
“Yeah, whatever, but you’ll go to mine.” He shrugs and pauses, keeping his left foot lifted in the air. “Aw man, I lost count. Oh well, thirty…” He continues counting on from thirty when I’m pretty sure he was on twelve.
Brooke laughs at her son and aims her eyes at me.
“So you’ll be working with Ms. Andrews.” She’s trying to hold back a smile, but I see the ghost of it tipping the corner of her lips upward.