Page 40 of Guarded Deputy
“Lizzy.” A deep voice I’ve become all too familiar with calls out behind me.
I turn around and see Nate waving me down as his steps hastily swallow the space between us. I could dive into the bushes and ignore him, but five days of avoiding him are enough. I should act like an adult and face the man as if we’re two regular co-workers.
Who ever said dancing and a little flirting meant anything anyway? Erik flirts with us all the time, and we’re only friends.
“Do you know where the supply closet is? The secretary told me it’s on the second floor but I’m not seeing it.” He runs a hand through his hair, his biceps flexing with the movement in a way that makes the fabric tighten and stretch.
“Liz?” he asks.
“Huh?” I blink away from his arm and look at his face to catch him smirking. “Right, I’ll show you.”
He smartly doesn’t comment on my lack of attention and follows beside me in silence.
“I take it you don’t have the key?” I look over at him as we turn the corner toward the hall where the supply closet is.
“Uh, no, she just told me to come up here. Now that I think about it, she was looking at her phone and it seemed like she was playing a game.” He scratches the side of his head and frowns.
“She loves playing Tetris.” I roll my eyes. “It might be open.” I pull the door and smile when it swings open. “You got lucky.”
His eyes lock with mine for a moment before nodding. “Thanks,” he says.
“You’re welcome.” I shift so he can enter.
“This place is tiny,” he comments, squeezing into the walk-in closet. “Any chance you can help me?” His head moves around the crowded space. “I have about twenty minutes to look for some old social studies books Mrs. Sanders told me might be helpful for some of my groups.”
“Sure.” I walk into the small room. Maybe this could be the opportunity to make things less awkward between us. It’s not like I’m holding a grudge against him, I’m more so embarrassed.
“Do you know which books they are?”
“No idea. She said the cover had a group of kids on it with a globe.”
“Right, well, let’s get to it.” I clap my hands.
“I also need some construction paper. Any chance there’s some in here?” He lifts his brows.
“Yeah. We’re lucky to have some great parents who donate supplies every semester, and we store the extras here.” I reach for the construction paper and hand it to him.
“No problem.”
I help him find the books, both of us moving around the tight space as we search through the stacks of old editions.
“Sorry.” I move to my right and he moves to his left, and then we both move to the other side. “Looks like we’re dancing.” I laugh and instantly regret it because it reminds me of Saturday.
“Yeah.” He chuckles and stops moving. “You go on first.”
I move around him, my front brushing against his side, and Nate tenses. Not the reaction you want from a man, but since this man has different professional connections in my life, it could be a good idea, even if my pride is scuffed up because of it.
I move through another stack of books, making small talk.
“Do you like working with the kids?” I ask, looking over at Nate.
“It’s nice.” He shrugs.
“Not convincing at all.”
“It’s interesting and different than what I’m used to.” He turns to face me.