Page 46 of Guarded Deputy
“That’s it. I apologize for my meddling sister. Natalie, take Sarah to…anywhere,” Sheriff demands.
It looks like he wants to kill his sister, and I don’t blame him. He’s probably trying to be professional, and she’s making that impossible.
“I apologize,” he tells me. “My sister means well, but she’s…overwhelming at times. She wants what’s best for Lizzy, as we all do.” He holds my gaze steady.
“I understand. Like I said, Lizzy and I are friends.”
“Good.” He nods without expanding on his thoughts. “Glad to hear everything’s going okay here. Keep up the good work. We can never be too careful.”
“Absolutely, sir.” My jaw ticks as I walk away.
Just as I imagined, Sheriff McCall wouldn’t be on board with the idea of me dating his niece. I can’t blame him. It wouldn’t be hard to dig up my past and see I had a few misdemeanors when I was a teen. What good man would want someone like that with his niece?
Bored out of my mind, I walk around the area, pretending I’m doing intense security work when in reality I just want to go home, drink a beer, and forget that conversation. Forget about Lizzy Andrews and her blue eyes and the way she shines. I don’t know if moving to Emerald Bay was the best decision. I had a life and job that didn’t require me to work with young children instead of acting like a true law enforcement officer.
But my sister was here, and she needed me. Maybe I needed her just as much.
“Hey.” I look up and see Brooke walking toward me.
“Hi.” I lift my chin in form of greeting.
“I see you still have the dragon.” She giggles.
“Yup. What are the odds that I can wash it off and tell the kids the dragon flew away?” I glance at her.
“Slim.” She smiles. “How’s work going?”
“Boring.” I shrug.
“At least it’s more relaxing.” She pats my arm.
“What’s wrong?” Brooke crosses her arms and narrows her eyes.
“Does this have to do with Ms. Andrews?” Her eyebrow lifts into a perfect arch.
“What? Why would you say that?”
“I’m not stupid. I saw the way you two looked at each other while you were getting your face painted.” Brooke rolls her eyes as if I were the stupid one.
“We weren’t looking at each other in any way. Ms. Andrews isn’t the kind of woman for me.”
“Why? She’s sweet, caring, and super nice.” Brooke throws her hands in the air.
“And I’d likely end up hurting her. Commitment isn’t for me, Brooke.” My jaw clenches, thinking about my parents’ disastrous relationship. Just the thought of my father makes anger race through me.
“Nate.” Brooke places her hand on my arm. “It’s okay to open up. You can’t live your life alone or taking care of Walker and me. I want you to find what I had with David. Love is worth it.” She sniffs, and I hug her.
“I come from a man who abandoned his family. I’d rather not go through that. Either hurt someone or get hurt the way Mom did.”
“You’re nothing like Dad. What happened between Mom and Dad is on them. I also hate that he left us, but if we live life based on fear, we lose so many opportunities life throws our way.” She squeezes me before releasing the hug and smiling sadly.
I nod silently, not wanting to continue this conversation here.
“I’m going to check on Walker.” Her smile brightens and she walks away.