Page 59 of Guarded Deputy
“Old?” I lean back and look at him.
“I bet Ms. Andrews will play,” Paul says, forgetting all about me as he runs toward the entrance. “Ms. A,” he calls out excitedly.
I look in his direction and see Lizzy ruffling Paul’s hair with a bright smile as she wishes him a happy birthday. I sit up straighter in my chair, curiosity piqued.
I may have seen her yesterday, but that was at work where I couldn’t really spend time with her. This may just work out in my favor.
We’ve been sending each other notes throughout the week, and I feel like a thirteen-year-old with a crush.
“Well, well, well…” Brooke sits beside me with a shit-eating grin.
“What?” I arch an eyebrow and lean back in my seat.
“Someone perked up instantly when they saw a certain teacher walk in.”
“You’re ridiculous,” I say.
“If I’m ridiculous, then…” She scrunches up her nose.
“What?” I tilt my head.
“I can’t think of an analogy right now but you’re ridiculous for lying.” She crosses her arms, annoyed with herself.
I chuckle, shaking my head. “No analogy would work. You’re ridiculous, and I’m—“
“Hey.” I’d recognize Lizzy’s sweet voice anywhere. And those lips.
“Hey, hi.” I shift in my seat to get a better look at her.
“Hi, Mrs. Lundsten.”
“Hi, Ms. Andrews. It’s nice to see you.” Brooke is failing at hiding her smile, and I want to kick her so she stops making this weird.
“You, too. I don’t normally come to students’ birthday parties, but Paul is a family friend and he begged me to come. I couldn’t say no.” Her unprompted explanation makes me smile.
“I’m sure he appreciates it,” my sister says, cutting her eyes to me.
“I’m gonna go say hi.” She points toward the rest of the parents, her cheeks turning pink.
She walks away without me getting a word in.
“I don’t know what you’re hiding. It’s obvious she likes you, too,” Brooke says once Lizzy is out of earshot.
“It’s complicated,” I tell her, not quite ready to tell her how things have progressed.
“Why? Because you work at the school? You’re not hired by them.”
“I know I’m not, but she is Walker’s teacher and her uncle is my boss. Besides, you know people will talk, and I don’t want her to get shit from parents.” I shrug, stretching my legs out in front of me.
“That shouldn’t matter. You are mature adults that can act professional.”
When I don’t say anything, Brooke speaks up again.
“If this is about Dad again, I’m going to record myself saying you’re nothing like him so you can listen to it in your sleep. Maybe that will help get through to your brain. I know it’s hard to open up to people, but it’s worth a shot. Take your time. No one said you need to rush into marriage, but I want you to know what it feels like to be loved.” Her smile is soft, carrying a hint of sadness.
“Yeah.” I lean back in my seat, ending the conversation with my one-word answer like I’ve done my entire life.