Page 62 of Peppermint's Twist
When I open the door, I spot Nico’s car immediately. But it’s not his car I want to see, it’s him.
Damn tinted windows.
I walk around to the passenger side and climb in. I wait for him to say something, anything, but all he does is back away from the clubhouse and start toward the gate.
“We don’t have to go anywhere,” I tell him.
“I know,” he responds, his eyes focused in front of him.
I shrug, not really giving a damn. We can talk anywhere.
Why is this awkward? Even when I wasn’t Nico’s biggest fan, things between us were never awkward. My heart sinks. Is this what we’ve been reduced to? Awkward silences and one- or two-word responses?
“Where are we headed?”
“Someplace special.”
“Can I get a hint?”
“Patience, Pepper.”
“Pepper?” I swivel in my seat to stare at him. “Since when do you call me Pepper?”
It’s my given name, but Nico’s never used it, not even when he’s trying to get under my skin.
Nico slams his hand into the steering wheel. “Dammit,” he barks as he turns his head to finally look at me.
Motherfucking son of a whoring bitch-face twat.
The eyes. The eyes will give him away every single time. Why couldn’t he have shown me his eyes when I got in the car?
“Hello Nicholi.”
I breakevery speed limit to get to the clubhouse. I would’ve been on time, but my fucking car had a flat, so I had to change the tire. Then I had to take another shower to wash the grime away. I sent Peppermint a text to let her know I was running late, but she didn’t respond. I can only hope this doesn’t get added to her list of reasons to hate me.
I slam on the brakes at the gate and roll the window down.
“Hey Vinnie.”
“Nico?” She steps up to the window and bends to peer in. “Where’s Peppermint?”
“I’m meeting her here, and I’m running late, so if you could buzz me in, that’d—”
“You didn’t have the spare tire on earlier,” she comments as she looks toward the back tire I had to replace.
My blood runs cold.
“What do you mean ‘earlier’? I wasn’t here earlier.”
No. This can’t be happening.
Vinnie bends back down and locks eyes with me. “Shit.”