Page 8 of Peppermint's Twist
I consciously make an effort not to react to that. So fucking young. She probably still believed the world was full of unicorns and rainbows before she was taken. She won’t believe anymore though. Her world will forever be tainted with evil, even if she works past it and thinks she’s moved on. The evil will lurk, in the shadows of her mind and soul, and it will pounce when she least expects it.
Trust me, I would know.
Sara’s eyelids begin to droop. Her adrenaline is finally waning, exhaustion taking its place.
“Why don’t you try to get some rest?” I suggest. When she nods, I extend a hand to help her up and then cover her with the blanket after she settles on the cot. “Sara, do you know your phone number so I can call your parents?”
Sara yawns but manages to rattle off a number. I pull my cell out and store the number in my contacts before shoving the phone back into my pocket. As Sara drifts to sleep, I stride to the door and step outside, inhaling the fresh air as soon as the sun hits my face.
The click of the automatic lock engaging is like a tripwire on my fury. Whirling around, I slam my fist into the concrete wall. Pain spreads through my knuckles but I ignore it as I punch the wall, over and over and over again. I don’t stop until the sound of the door opening breaks through the haze of my anger.
“Feel better?”
I glance to my left and see Tahiti leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. We stare at each other, me with my chest heaving and her as calm as can be. She doesn’t push me to answer, just waits me out until I can’t stand the silence any longer.
Tahiti lowers her gaze to my hands, which are hanging at my sides. “You’re gonna need to get those looked at.”
I lift my hands in front of my face and take in the blood dripping from my split skin. “I’ll be fine.”
“Let me rephrase that,” she says as she pushes away from the wall. “You will get those looked at.”
Her tone demands obedience, which only spurs my temper. I square my shoulders. “Last time I checked, I outrank you. Remember that.”
“You’re right.” Tahiti shrugs. “But you and I both know you’ll listen because you don’t want to incite Harlow’s wrath, which is inevitable if you do nothing and get an infection.”
What is it with everyone being right about shit today?
“Dammit, you’re annoying.”
“Only because I care.”
“I know, T. And I appreciate it.”
“Good.” She shoves her hands in her pockets. “Now, why were you trying to maul the building?”
I snort. “Like you don’t know.”
“Tell me anyway,” she prods.
I take a deep breath and exhale loudly. “It never ends.”
“The pain, the injustice, the constant stream of victims, the never-ending influx of monsters, the memories, the nightmares… Take your fucking pick.”
“If the missions are too much, just talk to—”
“They’re not,” I snap. “I needed a minute, that’s all.”
Tahiti holds her hands up. “If you say so.” She turns and presses her palm against the scanner by the door. When the lock disengages, she pulls the door open. “Harlow wanted me to let you know she was heading to the clubhouse and would see you there later.”
“Thanks.” I take out my cell, not bothering to worry about the blood smearing on the screen. “I’ve got a call to make.”
Tahiti nods and then disappears inside.
Once alone, I tap on the number Sara gave me and press the phone to my ear. After the fourth ring, a woman answers.