Page 9 of My Rebel Holidate
“Are these candles new?” I ask, moving the conversation to something that feels safer.
“They are. We’re branching out. All of the decorative, dried flowers on the top come from our garden.”
“They’re nice.”
“Well thank you.” She clears her throat. “So… are you going to see him again?”
I pick up a candle and smell, rose and lemon. “Who?”
“The guy…” she lowers her voice, “Thecriminal.”
I roll my eyes. “Charges were dropped, Harper.”
“He has a rap sheet. I heard it’s not short.”
“Who are you? Veronica Mars, amateur sleuth?”
She laughs. “I wish. No, Dakota saw Sheriff Briggs at the convenience store this morning getting some coffee and he made it clear how dangerous this guy is.” She smirks and pulls her mustard yellow, corduroy jacket a little closer to her as a burst of wind comes down the gorge. “But if you ask me, danger can be kinda fun.”
I bite my lip remembering tearing out of the Whole Hog parking lot last night, racing away, and how my heart pounded with a quicker beat. The rush almost addictive.
Her mouth drops open dramatically and she sucks in a breath. “I think you’re blushing. So something did happen with Mr. Danger.”
“Don’t call him that. His name is Dean.”
“Close enough.” She starts to walk away but turns back. “I’m just saying that we both know how dull this town really is. Might be fun to let your hair down for once.”
And since Dean’s not staying around, it’s not like it’ll mean anything to him.
Might be good to get my V-card punched and sow my oats with a man who looks like he could really plant and tend a good garden.
I put the candle back and walk away.
“Have fun, Kenzie!” Harper calls out.
I walk faster, taking a left at the diner, and walking another two blocks to the Storm Canyon Motel. The only motel in town.
And there’s the dilapidated car, rust and all. It’s like this town— from the past. And I want a different future. I want excitement. I want more.
And it’s now…or never?
Bang! Bang! Bang!
I didn’t have a drop of liquor last night, but I swear I was drunk on Kenzie. I might be hungover from her taste and whoever is knocking is seriously interrupting my sweet dreams. I was just about to taste Kenzie all over again.
I walk to the door, starting to talk to the person on the other side as I open it, “What the fu– Sheriff?” I clear my throat, straightening up. “To what do I owe the pleasure? Miss me? Jail not the same without me?” I post up in the doorway, all smiles.
Sheriff Briggs stands with his hands on his hips, black cowboy hat tipped forward to cast, what should be, an intimidating shadow over his face. But this isn’t my first time with the law and it’s going to take more than a mountain Sheriff to shake me in my boots… or rather in my briefs.
“Couldn’t answer the door with your pants on?” Sheriff asks, waiting to be invited in. I don’t grant him access, treating him like a vampire. Once you let them in, they never leave.
“And deny you the view? Never, Briggs. Now unless that old bag reported his car missing, I have some dreams to getback to—” I begin to close the door but his hand slams into it, challenging me.
He pushes but doesn’t force his way in, just enough strength to match mine to keep the door at a standstill.