Page 5 of About Last Knight
Rayne raises her eyebrows. “What about the fact that she’s best friends with your ex-husband’s wife?”
Before I can answer, our drinks arrive and Cassandra walks in. “Sorry I’m late.” She puts out her hand and introduces herself to Rayne and Izzy. “I’m Cassandra, the cradle robber that Melissa hates.”
Rayne and Izzy both giggle.
I shake my head. “I don’t hate you. I wish you were younger, but I don’t hate you.” I smile at her.
Cassandra holds up her drink. “Don’t we all wish that?”
The three of us nod in agreement.
“Cassandra, Rayne’s my oldest friend, dating back to our first year of college.”
“Like Darian and me.”
“Remember rule number two of joining our lunches. No talking about Darian.”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes, I remember your stupid rules. No sex and no Darian. I have no idea what the fuck I’ll have to talk about.”
I smile. “Rule number one is particularly important.” She rolls her eyes again. “Anyway, Rayne is an advertising executive. She’s very good at what she does. She’s happily married to a great guy named Grant. She has two kids. A twenty-one-year-old son named Pierce, and a twenty-four-year-old daughter named Quinlan.”
Cassandra nods.
I turn to Izzy. “This is Isabella. We call her Izzy. She’s an accountant with twin nineteen-year-old sons named Ryder and Austin. She’s been divorced a few years now. Oh, and she’s never had an orgasm.” I smile at Izzy, whose face drops in humiliation.
Cassandra spits out her drink. “What? You’ve never had an orgasm. How’s that possible? How do you function in life?”
Izzy narrows her eyes at me. “Does that really need to be part of my introduction to people? An orgasm-less, divorced, accountant. You can’t come up with something nicer after all of these years?”
I can’t help but laugh. I love ruffling her feathers.
She turns to Cassandra. “To answer your question, I’ve just never had one. I feel like I’ve come close a few times, but it’s never happened for me. My ex-husband sort of quit trying after a while. In pretty much every department, but especially that one.”
Cassandra looks like her head might explode. “What about masturbation? You must be able to seal the deal yourself?”
Izzy shakes her head. “I tried for years. It just doesn’t happen for me. I’ve read that up to thirty percent of women can’t orgasm. I guess I’m in that group.”
I see Cassandra’s wheels turning. “Do you date, Izzy?”
“Occasionally.” She points at me. “Not as much as Melissa, but I go out now and then.”
“Can I fix you up with someone? Let’s just say he’s very skilled. It’s now my goal in life to help you orgasm. If he can’t get it done, then I’ll believe that no one can.”
Izzy and Rayne laugh. I look at Cassandra. “And how would you know?”
“I’m not allowed to talk about my sex life, remember? But, newsflash, I was single for nearly fifty years when I met Trevor. I’ve had sex with other men.Lotsof other men.” She smirks at me.
“If you can help Izzy have an orgasm, I’ll forever be your fan.”
“Will you babysit my kids when I want to go have somespecialfunwith Trevor?”
Cassandra nods and smiles.
Rayne turns to me. “How was your date last night? I believe it was date number eighty-nine.”
I see Cassandra pinch her eyebrows in confusion. “Eighty-nine?”