Page 69 of About Last Knight
“Yep. That’s definitely it.”
“The fact that you’re always all-knowing is both impressive and concerning.”
“I’m wise beyond my years.”
I smile. “I don’t know about that. It’s a lot of years, Cassandra.”
“You’re mean. I can be mean too, though. Don’t worry, your son keeps me young.Veryyoung.” She laughs again.
“Ugh. Good-bye.”
She hangs up, but then sends me a text.
Cassandra: Definition of Satan’s Doorbell: A religious term for the clitoris.
Cassandra: You’re welcome. LOL.
She’s truly a child. A funny and wise one, but nonetheless a child.
When I get home, I call Declan, but it goes straight to voicemail.
The entire evening goes by and I don’t hear from him.
I get into bed. I toss and turn for hours, unable to sleep. Eventually, I decide to send him a text.
Me: I’m sorry if I offended you by paying for Jade’s clothes. It wasn’t my intent. I made the decision to take her to a few upscale boutiques, and I thought I should pay. Perhaps I was wrong. I’m sorry.
I see dots indicating he’s typing, but they eventually stop and nothing comes through. He can be so frustrating at times.
Hours later, still unable to sleep, I decide to send him one more text.
Me: The way grown-up relationships work is that you communicate when something is bothering you. Just talk to me.
Declan: Is that what you and your money bags billionaire ex-husband used to do?
Ah, that’s what this is about. He must have looked up Jackson. We’ve never discussed money. He must now realize what kind of money Jackson and I both have.
Me: I can’t help that I have money.
Declan: I don’t think we’re in the same league. Find someone who can give you what you need.
Is he breaking up with me over money? Over a text? Continuing this conversation via text is unhealthy. We need to talk about this in person. I don’t write back.
I have a terrible night’s sleep. I’m in a robe, sleepily standing at my coffee machine in the morning when all my boys come walking in. Crap, I forgot that we had plans for this morning.
All three of them stop short when they see me. They look at each other. Payton walks over and puts his arm around me. “Mom, are you okay? What’s wrong?”
I shake my head. “Nothing, why?”
Hayden eyebrows shoot up. “Because you clearly forgot we were coming for breakfast, you’re not dressed, and you look like shi…not yourself.”
I take a deep breath as tears well in my eyes. Trevor comes over and gives me a big hug. “Just give us his address. We’ll go over and kick his ass.”
I let out a small laugh. “I’m sorry. Obviously, I didn’t remember our plans for this morning. Let me get my phone and I’ll order us some food.”
Hayden rubs my back. “Don’t worry about us, Mom. We’re fine. We’re worried about you.”
He looks over to Trevor and Payton. “I’m going to get her cleaned up. I’ll be right back.”